A global pandemic can’t hold down the nerds of the nation’s capital.
Awesome Con 2021 came back to D.C. after a year-long hiatus due to the COVID-19 pandemic. This year’s convention took place on August 20- 22nd at the Walter E. Convention Center and just like years past, it was an unforgettable weekend.
After the pandemic, there was talk about what a comic con would like going forward, and how celebrity interaction would continue. At Awesome Con they took every measure to ensure safety for all of their guests. Masks were required at all times, only to be taken off at specific areas. The event was not a vaccine-required event, however, the ‘Cosplay Afterparty’ at the Hardrock was. As well as a few other off-site get-togethers.

The convention kicked off with a pre-party on Thursday night in D.C at the Wunder Garten. A beer garden where fans cosplay and drink the night away getting acquainted with fellow Awesome Con-goers. The Wunder Garten offered a discount on their delicious beverages for the con-goers. As mentioned previously there was a Saturday night after-party, hosted by the Hardrock, which is across the street from the FBI building and the FBI was a vendor at the convention as well.
The after-party was a mask and vaccine required event with dancing and music by DJ Taylor Senpai. Senpai also had unforgettable jams on the convention floor that weekend. The cosplayers were amazing and the people were excited to dance the night away with fellow fans. The first 300 fans were gifted with goodie bags of all Third Eye Comics.
This year’s convention saw 48,000 people in attendance over the 3 days. The convention floor and artist alley had the same if not more energy than usual as the weekend went on. The creativity of the cosplays during this odd time was a great sight. Fans were buzzing with excitement to back on a convention floor.
The convention had many guests for the fans to chat and interact with including Christina Ricci, William Shatner, Christopher Lloyd, Michael J. Fox, George Takei, Austin st. John and many more.

Photo ops and autographs were done a little differently this year with fans and celebrities wearing masks at autographs or working with a barrier between the two. Photo ops also included a barrier separating the fan and celebrity, though most times masks could be removed for the photo. Though a different routine than years past, fans were still able to get an interaction with the guest, which was a major concern for fans previously when conventions started to return.
The cosplay creativity was at a new level this year, fans were very excited to show off their new and old looks. Nerd Alert News was able to snap a few pictures along with other photographers.
Thank you Awesome Con and the amazing partners from this magical weekend. Stay tuned for our next article with the coolest vendors and sights we found in and around Awesome Con.
Go to Awesome Con for more information on their upcoming show in 2022.
Written by Jadeen Mercado

Hi, I’m Lynn, and I Make.
Props, Cosplay, Scale Models, Home Projects, and just about anything else that involves me Making.
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