(Photo credit: Valantena Sleeman)

Written by Colleen Bement, Editor

Zombie fans, meet Megan Peta Hill.

This talented actress is one of the stars of RKSS’ latest film “We Are Zombies” and Nerd Alert News had a chance to catch up. Known for her roles in “Supernatural,” “Allegiance,” “Riverdale,” “Kung Fu,” “The Flash,” “Big Sky,” “The X-Files,” and more, the award-winning actress knows her way around film, television, and theater. You’ve probably heard her voice in her many roles such as in EA Sports’ “UFC 4” and “NFL 21”, the Warner Bros. animated feature “Cats and Dogs 3: Paws Unite”, and HBO Max’s “Persona.” She will be in theaters August 4th with her thrilling Wattpad feature called “Boot Camp.” Get to know Hill and watch the trailer for this horrifically funny new film.

Credit: Valantena Sleeman

Colleen Bement: Congratulations on your new film “We Are Zombies.” I checked out the trailer and it looks hilarious, creative, and very entertaining. It’s right up the alley of my readers. What was the experience like on set? Was it pretty physical? What challenges did you face?

Megan Peta Hill: Thank you so much! As hilarious and entertaining as the trailer and film are to watch, we had just as much fun making the film! The screenwriters and directors RKSS (Yoann, Anouk and Francois) are so creative and wild, they made the on-set experience so playful. You’re right, the film does include some very physical scenes which were an absolute blast to film. We were fortunate enough to be in the very experienced hands of our stunt choreographer who made shooting those physical scenes not only safe, but also comedic and oh-so-cool! 

CB: What was your first reaction when you read the script?

MPH: I was honestly blown away. It’s extremely rare to find a script that is so fast-paced and laugh-out-loud hilarious, while also having so much heart that you are instantly invested in the characters. I knew immediately that I needed to do this project. 

Having read the script, I immediately watched “Turbo Kid” and “Summer of 84” to really feel the style and sensibility of RKSS and fell even more in love with their storytelling. 

Check out the trailer for “We Are Zombies”

CB: Do you have any other projects that you’re allowed to tell us about?

MPH: I have a very exciting project that I’m currently shooting that unfortunately I can’t say anything about just yet. However, I do also have another film being released in cinemas on August 4th called “Boot Camp,” based on a coming-of-age book by Gina Musa. It’s a film that I’m so proud to be a part of as it deals with really important issues around body image, self-acceptance, courage, and friendship. I’m really excited for everyone to see it!

CB: For our “Supernatural” fans out there, would you happen to have a story from the set of the episode you filmed called ‘Plush’? 

MPH: “Supernatural” was an absolute delight to work on!! Jared and Jensen are the kindest and most welcoming artists, I couldn’t have asked for a better experience on that set! A fun little thing to note is that in my scene with them, I’m actually standing on a box so that the height difference between myself and them wasn’t so obvious [laughs]!  

CB: You have such an amazing voice-over career. What do you enjoy the most about voice-over work? 

MPH: Thank you! I’ve been so fortunate to work both in front of the camera and the microphone! Voice over to me feels like such a pure art form. Things like the way you look, how tall you are, your eye color and your height, they don’t matter. Your creativity and imagination are your biggest assets, and so in that way, it is such a freeing and playful experience to work in voice over. 

Credit: Valantena Sleeman

CB: What was the very moment that you decided you wanted to be an actor?

MPH: I feel like a lot of artists have a specific moment or performance they saw that crystalized for them that this was their path. That wasn’t the case for me. I have had so many formative and inspirational moments on my artistic journey, but I’m someone who just always knew that this was my path. It’s always been in my bones. From my earliest memories as a child, I have always had an artist’s soul and wanted to be an actor. 

CB: Do you have a cause that is close to your heart? These are pretty trying times lately. You probably have more than one, LOL.

MPH: That’s such a great question!! YES! You’re right, this is a time in our world where so many causes are worthy of our support. Closest to my heart currently are animal rights, wildlife rehabilitation, and nature conservation. 

Let’s get to know you even better with a Speed Round.

When it’s time to kick back and relax, what are you wearing?

Oh, I’m a leggings and oversized hoodie kinda gal!! Comfort first, always!

Favorite Gas Station Snack: 

Popcorn, most definitely. It’s the perfect road-trip snack!

Latest TV Show you’ve binge-watched: 

The Boys! What a wild ride of a show! 

Movie you watch over and over: 

A Knight’s Tale! I watched it with my family a number of times when I was young and now it’s my go-to feel good flick!

Favorite book: 

It might be cliché, but the Harry Potter series will forever be my go-to. Being introduced to that world at such a formative age, revisiting those books always feels like ‘going home’.

Marvel or DC:

Honestly, I love both! You’ll find me at the midnight screenings for both Marvel and DC!

Favorite country you’ve visited: 

New Zealand – it’s such a beautiful country! Cannot recommend it more highly!

Dawn or Dusk? 

Sunsets are magical, especially sitting on a beach and watching the sun go down.

Pie or cake? 

Cake! Hands down!

What’s your dream car?

I have always dreamed of driving a Jeep Wrangler along the beach, roof down, golden retriever riding shotgun, surfboard in the back!

Camping: Tent or camper?

Oh, good question… I think it depends on the location. I love both!

Who inspires you?

In my personal life, I have my close friends and my family who inspire me so much, in so many different ways! Professionally, artists like Kate Winslet and Cate Blanchett inspire me so much! 

Want more? Check out more of our interviews on Nerd Alert News.

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