(Photo credit to Dennys Ilic.)

Written by Colleen Bement, Editor

Tricia Collins has an amazing film about female empowerment hitting the Canadian Film Fest Comedy Igniter. There’s a lot of buzz around it and her project called “Bob” sounds exciting. Collins is a versatile and award-winning actress, director, and writer out of Vancouver who is incredibly busy with projects. She comes with a cultural heritage—Irish, Chinese, and Guyanese and brings authentic storytelling to her work. Her short film “Clinch” premiered at the Richard Harris International Film Festival and won her Best Actress at the Vancouver International Women in Film Festival. The director of “Reach” was inspired by her late father’s memories, and a dystopian short “Infect Me Not” gained her even more popularity. Most recently, she completed the Women In The Director’s Chair Career Advancement Module and was selected to be one of eight participants in the Bell Media Diverse Screenwriting Program, two incredible achievements for a female filmmaker. 

Nerd Alert News caught up with Tricia and learned more about this super-talented filmmaker.

Photo credit to Dennys Ilic.

Colleen Bement: You are a powerful force in filmmaking, and having that voice is even more important today than ever. Please share what projects you’re working on today.

Tricia Collins: I’m currently editing a short film for the Canadian Film Festival’s Comedy Igniter. It’s a one month film challenge for women across Canada to complete a short in one month. My project is called “Bob” and we’re closing in on a final cut!

CB: Good luck at the Canadian Film Fest Comedy Igniter. It sounds like an incredible experience. What are you hoping to get out of it?

TC: I can’t wait for people to see the film especially since it’s a film about female empowerment. It’s presented through a comedic lens that entertains while also inspiring women to be themselves and find freedom in their lives. For example, the story is about a woman named Bea who is in a repressive relationship and soon finds freedom in her dreams. The irony is that the film is called Bob, which hints at how women can be sidelined for their male counterparts.

CB: Is it fulfilling and exciting to own a production company? What is Perseverance Pictures working on lately?

TC: Perseverance Pictures has this project and also my feature film “Clinch” in the works. Once “Bob” is out on the festival circuit we’ll be pitching “Clinch” at various markets to find co-producers.

CB: For a moviegoer who knows nothing about the process of making a film, what do you think would surprise me the most?

TC: The work that goes into it. There are so many moving parts that aren’t seen when watching the final film. It can take years for one feature to be made and then you watch it in an hour and a half.

CB: Tell me about your dogs. I love hearing about fur babies! 

TC: My dog’s name is Malley, which is short for Grace O’Mally (Grainne Mháille) who was the pirate Queen of Ireland. She certainly can act like a pirate sometimes, especially when it comes to getting food.

CB: Do you happen to have any causes that are close to your heart right now?

TC: I donate money to the S.P.C.A. regularly and try to support animals in need. I follow a number of animal rescue organizations so I’m passionate about supporting them and helping animals in various ways.

Keep up with Tricia Collins



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