(Photo credit: Rachel Claire)

Written by Colleen Bement, Editor

How many times do you watch a television show?

Credit: hello aesthe

I just want to put it out there that there is absolutely nothing wrong with re-watching our favorite TV shows. And I’m talking 2, 3, 4, or 50 times! The best part of re-watching is that you know exactly what you’re going to get! Throughout the day there are opportunities to indulge in the re-watch. On the treadmill? Revisiting an old favorite is the ideal way to distract from the exercise torture. Had a bad day at work? Grab that remote and sink into your favorite storyline. Looks like the end of the world might be near? Just take a deep breaths and soak up the good vibes that come from watching our favorite characters. Everyone has their go-to re-watches, and here are a few of my favorites.

Schitt’s Creek

When anxiety hits, I turn to “Schitt’s Creek.” The powerful force for good in that show cannot be understated. Its characters grew from being selfish, self-absorbed, spoiled brats…and I do mean all 4 of the Roses. They eventually became the most amazing human beings, and the love storylines were just so beautiful. I’ve gone through phases of being David’s biggest fan to completely loving Alexis, to admiring Moira for who she was. Are you a Schitts Creek fan? Who is your favorite character?


Sometimes I retro back to the 70s to my absolute favorite series of all time, “Space:1999.” There are plenty of times when I wish I could escape this distressed planet Earth and live somewhere else–Like Moonbase Alpha. It was just SO cool. I can still imagine what my quarters would look like if I was one of Alpha’s personnel. I can imagine stepping off Eagle One to ground that no other Earthling has ever touched. Fans of 1999, what would your post be on the base? I think with my experience I would be in communications…Probably Alpha’s news service. 


The next go-to show I cling to is “Supernatural.” Although I loved all 15 seasons, I consider the first five to be perfect. Just as Kripke originally planned them to be. Like many other fans, I’m drawn to the funny episodes like Bad Day at Black Rock, Yellow Fever, The Real Ghostbusters, and Mystery Spot. Although to be fair, I usually skip the ending of that episode. Sam and Dean are part of more than just a fandom–They’re family because family don’t end in blood. I could put on any episode–yes, even the bugs one–and lose myself in the story.

Buffy the Vampire Slayer

My latest re-binge has been “Buffy the Vampire Slayer.” RIP Michelle Trachtenberg. Your light went out far too soon. Buffy fans out there know the iconic show was way more than just fighting vampires. It was your classic good versus evil and never giving up! Never give up, never surrend––oh wait! That’s my other favorite binge! The fate of the world rested upon 4 teenagers at Sunnydale High, and one hot librarian. I’ll never stop watching. The dialog was quintessential Joss Whedon, who may not have been a good person, but his screenwriting was amazing. Two of the best dialog writers in my book are Joss Whedon and Amy Sherman-Palladino. 

So, those are my go-to re-binges. Rewatching these shows brings me joy that I can always count on. What are your favorite shows that you watch over and over? Post in the comments section or on our socials.

Happy binging!

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