Actor Mathew Bittroff had an amazing time on the set of next week’s “Supernatural” episode ‘Mint Condition’. Mathew hails from Richmond, BC and is best known for his role in the hit series “Once Upon a Time”, “Hell on Wheels”, “Leave Them Laughing”, and now is welcomed into the “SPN Family” for playing the cool character in costume next week Nov. 1, 2018. When not on set, Mathew is busy having a blast with his DJ business. Be on the lookout for his next projects “Beautiful Cake” and “Sanctuary Population One”. No doubt we will be seeing a lot more of this talented young actor.
Colleen Bement: I’ve heard that snagging a guest spot on “Supernatural” is kind of a rite of passage for Vancouver actors. What are you allowed to share about your experience on the set of the upcoming episode ‘Mint Condition’?
Mathew Bittroff: Haha! That’s true. “Supernatural” is a huge staple of the industry here, I was so thrilled to get a chance to be part of it. I can’t say much! The last thing I want to do is be the cause of spoilers. But everyone I worked with and met on set was so welcoming and kind – I had SO much fun and its an amazing script! I know you and the all fans of “Supernatural” will love it.

CB: My readers would also love to hear about what it was like to be on “Once Upon a Time”. How was that experience?
MB: Working on “Once” (Once Upon a Time) was absolutely amazing! I got to meet a majority of the cast who were all so kind and immediately made me feel like part of the family. Seems to be a common trait with the big stars I have met, they are all so down to earth and warm! A certain hooked cast member showed me where to get snacks and in general, helped me get my bearings on my first day, I will always be grateful for that.
I was only supposed to have one episode for “Once” but they called me in for an additional episode which was a cherry on top! There were some really cool effects in those episodes, so I spent a lot of time standing around and watching the magic – then it was nuts to see how it all came together on the show. “Once” was my first TV appearance since moving to Vancouver, and it was a complete fairytale.
CB: Tell your fans about your future projects they can look forward to such as “Leave Them Laughing”, “Party Stories”, and “Sanctuary Population One”.
MB: “Leave them laughing” and “Party Stories” have long been released (IMDb does weird things!) and I’m not sure if I can say anything about “Sanctuary Population One”…But I’ll tell you about “Beautiful Cake”.

Directed by Brian McWha, “Beautiful Cake” is a short film that follows two teens (the talented Morgan Galavan and myself) who wander into an abandoned house, which of course might not be as abandoned as they first thought. Without giving away the best part, this short takes a twist I don’t think anyone will see coming – and the “monster” is something/someone truly dangerous and real. “Beautiful Cake”, written by McWha & Alisha Bourassa, is currently making the festival rounds. It will be playing at the Edmonton Festival of Fear International Film Fest at the end of October, and hopefully some more festivals in the future as well so keep your eyes open!
CB: You’re a musician. I see that you do a lot of DJ work. When I think of DJ’s, I think of Riley from “Sense8”. Tell your fans all about your music life.
MB: I love “Sense8” so much!
Yes! I’ve been DJing professionally since 2010, it started off as a fun hobby and now it supports my acting career. As anyone who has given this acting thing a shot can tell you, the hardest part is keeping yourself afloat between jobs. So I run my own DJ business to keep my bills paid and I also taught piano/guitar to kids up until last year. DJ life is probably not as cool as people think! I mainly play at weddings and private corporate events, and rarely the odd rave or club. My favorite thing about DJ work is the fact that it really only takes up some of my evenings and weekends, leaving my weekdays free to audition and pursue my true love: acting and telling stories!
CB: Your Twitter says that you’re a grilled cheese lover. I’m with you on that! What other foods are your “comfort foods”?
MB: I think maybe my obsession with grilled cheese came about because it’s one of the only meals my mom wouldn’t burn growing up. (Love ya mom) I definitely have a sweet tooth, I’m addicted to waffles and candy!