“Delivery for the Doctor”

Bubble wrap and a space-delivered fez open this week’s episode Nov. 18th of “Doctor Who” entitled ‘Kerblam!’
A cry for help was included in the package and The Doctor, Graham, Yaz, and Ryan investigate a warehouse where people were disappearing.
Earth wasn’t the only planet in the universe where humans are losing jobs to automation. There at the Kerblam factory, people, “organics” as they called them, made up 10 percent of the workforce. “Real people need real jobs” was their motto. Yes, there were creepy-ass robots, humans in danger, and believe it or not, the fez made a comeback!
Characters included a nice nod to “The Flinstones’ foreman Mr. Slate was referenced with a guy in charge named Mr. Slade, and a sweet young girl named Kira, who had received one, and only one present her entire life. The bittersweet storyline also revolved around a dad who was working hard to put his daughter through school so that she did not have to end up like her ol’ dad.
The show featured guest actors Julie Hesmondhalgh and Lee Mack. It was written by Pete McTighe and directed by Jennifer Perrott.
Next week’s episode: ‘The Witchfinders’ airs next Sunday, Nov.25th at 8/7C and will feature Alan Cumming.
The Doctor, Ryan, Graham, and Yaz arrive in 17th century Lancashire and become embroiled in a witch trial, run by the local landowner. As fear stalks the land, the arrival of King James I only serves to intensify the witch hunt. But is there something even more dangerous at work? Can the Doctor and friends keep the people of Bilehurst Cragg safe from all the forces that are massing in the land?