By Jadeen Mercado.

The 300th episode of “Supernatural” aired last night Feb. 7, 2019 and this has been 14 seasons in the making. The milestone was titled ‘Lebanon’ and was something neither the audience nor The Boys had experienced. Spoilers beyond this point!

What this episode delivered was the sense of family the viewers have never seen. There were some random teens in the episode who served as points of contention. Eventually they learned the truth about Sam and Dean, and finally the good stuff got started.

John being brought to them, with Mary being alive was an insanely good story-line.

Watching Mary and John reunite was cinematic gold and the acting was superb. When John hears Mary’s voice and instantly gets choked up was something that made that scene painful and beautiful. Sam was able to have a heart to heart with John, we saw a more empathetic and understanding side of John which encouraged Sam to be more forgiving towards him. Of course Dean was very excited to have his dad back since he stated he had wanted this for a long time.

This episode had some familiar faces such as Zachariah, the arc angel. John being brought back disrupted the timeline, so Zachariah was never dead. Cas also never met the boys and he is still the good soldier from Heaven.

This episode was quite pleasant on the eyes and ears of a true fan. It did not have the “meta-ness” from 200 but it had the family no one has scene. The goodbye was inevitable, and it happened and all were sad.

However John did say to be grateful for the time they had, which was something amazing to hear from him. The timeline was all saved when John was returned, the young teens lives their life with a beautiful couple coming out of two of them. The last thing you see is John waking up in 2003, jumping on a call with Dean and telling him that he had the craziest dream. So somehow he remembered what happened which makes it all the special.

Supernatural” fans were blessed with the Return of Jeffrey Dean Morgan and Kurt Fuller. Both were exciting to see on the screen, especially Jeffrey. Viewers saw him back in the dad role no one ever saw. This episode was simple, with family and gratitude being its theme and was beautiful to see characters we love find a sense of peace.

Hang tight. “Supernatural” will return March 7th.