My good friend Dave Hart, back in San Diego told me about a book, Tales of the Bounty Hunters. He said it was a very interesting look into the bounty hunters from the “Star Wars” universe written by Kevin J Anderson.
Little did I know that opened a whole plethora of fantastic books. The new Dune series written with Brian Herbert gave us a look into so much more of the Dune story. It didn’t just add to it, it enriched it immensely.
I could go on, his works like the Saga of Seven Suns, Clockwork Angels, and the most fun zombie detective Dan Shamble.
His newest book, Spine of the Dragon, is a step into epic fantasy.
I had the pleasure to have a brief chat with this NY Times bestselling author.

Ed Carter: I know that you are famous for the Dune books and Star Wars among so many others. This new series, you are forging into the realm of Tolkien and high fantasy with the world of Ishara. Have you always had an interest in this genre? Who are some of your favorite authors when you think of epic fantasy?
Kevin J. Anderson: I have always read Fantasy and Science Fiction. I read Lord of the Rings the same year I read Dune (when I was 12). My first published novel, Resurrection, Inc., was science fiction, and then my next three (the Gamearth Trilogy) were fantasy. I’m best known for Dune and Star Wars, and in my original work, the best-selling series is my space opera The Saga of Seven Suns. But I also wrote the big fantasy trilogy Terra Incognita (The Edge of the World, The Map of All Things, The Key to Creation). After wrapping up my Saga of Shadows space opera, I wanted to turn back to fantasy. To me, it’s all about the story and the characters, not the genre. In Fantasy, I have read Tolkien of course, George R.R. Martin, Terry Goodkind, Brandon Sanderson, Patrick Rothfuss, and Robin Hobb.
EC: I can see quite a similarity between Fremen and the Utauk tribe. Was that intentional?
KJA: A little bit, but they are much more like the Roamers in my Saga of Seven Suns, a neutral and free-spirited people who move in and around the big politics.
EC: I was drawn into this book from page one. I love the layers in this book. The political issues between Iluris and Klovus. The Brava are a very interesting race, especially Utho. And of course the Wreth. Again so much like Dune. Do you have any thoughts to writing a book about the Brava, for example, an origin story for them?
KJA: Hey, let me finish this trilogy first! As of today, I am 75% finished writing the draft of VENGEWAR, the second book in the trilogy (I *think* it’s a trilogy, but the story keeps getting bigger and bigger…) As a writer, when you spend so much time developing the world, the history, the cultures, the magic system, the characters, you don’t want to wrap it up too soon.
EC: Finally Spine of The Dragon is the first in the new series, any hints of what we can look forward to in book 2?
KJA: As I mentioned above, the second book is bigger, more perilous, more twists and turns. Now that I’ve introduced readers to the world and the characters, I can really start letting loose! I should finish my draft in the next few weeks and then I dive into months of editing.
Follow Kevin J. Anderson on BookBub and sign up for our KJA readers group for a free copy of the Dan Shamble story collection, WORKING STIFF and a lot of other sneak previews, stories, and updates.
Spine of the Dragon coming June 4 from Tor Books! Pre-order here!
Written by Ed Carter