We all know the classic Disney stories: “Sleeping Beauty,” “Snow White,” and all of the great princess stories. In recent times many have been retold in different forms, and interestingly from the perspective of the villain. The Disney Twisted Tale series gives us a new spin. It is retelling our favorites with one simple detail changed. They are the “what if” tales of the Disney world.
As Old As Time is a retelling of Beauty and the Beast. But, what if Belle’s mother cursed the Beast? The story begins in an unknown cell, with an unknown woman telling herself a tale we all know, but she keeps getting it wrong. If only she could get it right.
The novel then switches between the story we know, Belle and the Beast, and the one we don’t. The tale of Belle’s father and mother. The tale before Belle, before the Beast, and before the curse. It is a tale of a world just beginning to fear magic.
We’ve all had “what if” thoughts when reading, or watching something we enjoy. Most fanfiction is what-if fiction. “The Twisted Tale” series imagines that there is more to the story and more than just a simple happy ending. More than the tale we were all told as children.
The story remains the same. Just a little twisted.
Written by Shani Irvine