Billy Moran is most well known as the guitarist for Louden Swain. The band gained a following through Supernatural Conventions as the house band, and stars of the Saturday Night Special concerts. But before he joined the popular indie band, he was the lead singer of band X-IT and Lost in Mayberry. He has written music for Louden Swain songs Carpool Lane, Mrs. Vance, She Waits, Past Perfect, Fifteen, Honey Bee and Help You.
Swainers, as fans call themselves, have seen Moran grow and become more confident the past few years. He began with sing a verse or two solo on stage on Supernatural conventions. He even became comfortable enough to sing on stage on his own at Jus In Bello Convention in 2019 and toured with Briana Buckmaster, star of Supernatural and trained singer.
Last month he had his first-ever Stage It shows and today he had his second. During the show, he announced his first solo album. Fans are super excited to hear his album and the announcement adds to the news that he and Richard Speight, Jr. will be releasing a song together.
@Billy_Moran thank you for such a wonderful afternoon treat! Lost In The Light and Help You and hearing Honey Bee live. Outstanding sir. Looking forward to the solo album! You killed it. Your lighting was awesome and the song choices were amazing. Thank you @Billy_Moran!
— Kritzie (@kkritzmire) June 27, 2020
One thing is for sure Swain fans, and music fans alike will be in for a treat. Billy Moran has immense talent and I know his album will be a success. Congrats Billy! We here at NaN cannot wait for the album and to see what the future brings.
You can watch the latest Stage It where he makes the announcement below. Thanks to SPN Bunker NA.
Written by Melissa Rothman