(Credit to Ewan McGregor Project Watch)
In 2011, “Star Wars” fans started a holiday to celebrate the series, based on a play on words of the Jedi phrase, “May the force be with you.”

“May the 4th Be With You” is celebrated every 4th of May, and while Lucasfilm and Disney did not create the holiday, they now embrace it and celebrate along with fans across the globe. Many film and trivia events are planned annually for the holiday. One of the many events includes free screenings of the “Star Wars” prequels, hosted by the online Ewan McGregor Facebook page and group, Ewan McGregor Project Watch. “The Phantom Menace” will be screened on May 1st. “Attack of the Clones” will be on May 4th. “Revenge of the Sith” will be on May 8th. All screenings are at 7 pm Eastern Time. Movies are played through the online platform, KAST. The movie link will be posted on the event post fifteen minutes before showtime. Immediately following “Attack of the Clones” on May 4th, the group will have “Star Wars” trivia Jeopardy on Zoom for those that would like to participate.

The group is also supporting the Childen’s Hospices Across Scotland (CHAS) #MayThe4thBeWithCHAS campaign. CHAS provides hospice services for sick youth and their families. The organization is one that “Star Wars” star Ewan McGregor supports. On the 4th CHAS asks people to wear their geeky T-Shirts and post selfies on social media to help build awareness. They are also raising funds to support their work. More information on the campaign can be found here. The Ewan McGregor Project Watch is asking people to share their posts on our page to be entered in a raffle to win “Star Wars” Collectables. More information on the raffle can be found here.
The event link for the screening of “The Phantom Menace” is here. Looking for other ways to celebrate May the 4th? More ideas can be found here.
Written by Michelle Haab

Hi, I’m Lynn, and I Make.
Props, Cosplay, Scale Models, Home Projects, and just about anything else that involves me Making.
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New Cosplay Event!
Cars & Cosplay at Rodz & Bodz Movie & Classic Car Museum
Sat. July 10th
To celebrate our local Cosplay Community. Also the tout the premiere of the long awaited film release of Marvel Studio’s Black Widow
Colorado Mills’ Rodz & Bodz Classic and Movie Car Museum (located by Nike in the mall)
Admission to the museum is only $5 (regularly $12) when guests come in Cosplay. They can get their photo taken with their favorite movie cars. This includes the world’s first diesel powered bat car driven on screen from the 89 film.
After guests get their fill of photos, they can head down to Troy Guard’s Los Chingones Mexican Kitchen. Everyone dressed in Cosplay receives a free house margarita (21+) & everyone who shows a same day movie ticket from Colo Mills & Denver West’s Regal theater receives the same deal (one per customer).
Here’s additional detail. Zack the owner of Rodz & Bodz (email rodzandbodz@gmail.com) if you’d like to connect with him.