The 4th Annual Colorado Anime Fest took place this past weekend Apr. 19-21, 2019 at its new location Marriott Denver Tech Center.

Denverites gathered the three day weekend to celebrate their love and passion for Anime with the most incredible cosplay, friends old and new. Although the event was attended by all ages, it was mainly a young crowd of teens and 20-something fans. The energy was exciting and the creativity was shared by all.
When it came to cosplay, Anime fans brought attention to detail and passion that stands out in the costuming world. It was a true test of imagination to be able to translate clothing and gadgets from animation to real life. There were multiple places for on the spot photo shoots with professional photographers to give the attention the beautiful cosplay deserved.
In just four years Colorado Anime Fest or “COAF” has seen their attendance numbers soar not only because of the popularity of anime but because of this con packs in the programming and the celebrities. There were always fans lined up for their chances to meet this year’s guests, Bryn Apprill, Daman Mills, Chuck Huber, Terri Doty, Jad Saxton, Austin Tindle, and Lauren Landa.
One of the guests that stood out was Ciaran Strange. This author and powerful LGBTQ+ advocate co-hosted a panel with Chuck Huber that touched the hearts of audiences. No videos nor photos were taken as it was a safe space for people to share their experiences and offered advice on personal topics such as anxiety and acceptance.
The new venue provided more room for programming and activities. The Vendor Room was had rows and rows of hard to find items. The main events room hosted a stunning costume contest and activities all three days. There was a Manga Library, a Maid Cafe, video rooms to watch those favorites with fellow fans, tabletop gaming, and a huge video gaming room.

It was off the hook with everything from WII, Xbox, and PlayStation consoles, music games like Dance Dance Revolution, and interactive games. They also offered something not seen at most conventions which was a quiet room. What a wonderful idea to offer to congoers needing a break from the craziness.

And, what anime convention would be complete without a sushi truck!

Until next year Anime fans!
Written by Colleen Bement