Emotions are high in the SPN Family as the remaining number of episodes passes the half way mark this week. Nerd Alert News was able to sit down with one of this week’s guest stars, Corina Bizim, to talk a little about the episode, the intensity on set during the final days, and what life has been like during the Covid-19 pandemic for her.
Nerd Alert News: Corina, thank you so much for taking the time to answer a few questions for Nerd Alert News. I want to start by asking you a few questions about your role on “Supernatural.” What can you tell us about your character and their part in the story?
Corina Bizim: Thanks for having me! So funnily enough, I played an angel who was fan-girling over one of the main antagonists of the show. My character is obsessed with him and thinks he’s the most perfect thing ever created!

NAN: Had you watched “Supernatural” or heard about it at all when you got the part?
CB: I’ve seen a few episodes here and there because I’ve had many friends who’ve been on it! I think it’s one of those iconic shows that everyone has heard of—even my family in Romania since they’re always playing re-runs there!
NAN: What was your experience like walking onto the set and working with the cast/crew of Supernatural?
CB: It was such a treat! By season 15, these wonderful people were like a well-oiled machine. You could genuinely feel the joy that everyone took in creating each episode, and there was nothing but respect and enthusiasm from every single cast and crew member. I was particularly excited to see Jared Padalecki because I’m a huge “Gilmore Girls” fan and I think my teen heart may have skipped a beat.
NAN: I can only imagine that emotions were already beginning to run high with it being the last few episodes and no one anticipating the immense break that Covid would bring. Were you able to sense that on set?
CB: Absolutely! It was actually one character’s very last day on set—so there was an energy of finality to everything. I don’t want to say who it is so I don’t spoil any storylines, but they’ve been on and off the show since 2015 and I was in the last scene they ever filmed. So it was both magical and sad to be there for someone’s “series wrap” as we call it. Some of the crew members had also been there since Day 1, so definitely a bittersweet feeling was in the air.

NAN: You also joined the fifth season of ‘The Magicians’ this year as Pixie and co-starred in “Killer in the Guesthouse” as Rachel Vine. What’s next for you this coming year?
CB: Yes—both amazing experiences! I think 2020 has been the weirdest year to be an actor haha! Filming shut down in Vancouver shortly after I filmed ‘”Supernatural,” so it put things on hold for a few months. Now that production has been slowly coming back, I’m back in the audition circuit. Fingers crossed for me!!
NAN: There have been so many changes in our lives over the last several months as we adjust to the new normal. What have you been doing to help stay sane during the Covid pandemic?
CB: Most simply—spending lots of time with my favorite people. I think the older I get, the more value I see in having a couple of truly close friends, and I’m so fortunate to know who those people are. Otherwise, I spent as much of the summer as possible in the ocean and watched a lot of “Schitt’s Creek.” My boyfriend and I also just bought a condo in Vancouver. So, the renovations and furniture shopping have been a welcomed distraction from the state of the world. Not sure if it’s a recipe for sanity, but it’s how I cope!
NAN: I would like to thank you again for your time and I can’t wait to see you in the upcoming episode of “Supernatural.” Best wishes on all of your future endeavors!
Be sure to check out this week’s episode of “Supernatural” on the CW—and keep those tissues handy!
Written by: Melissa Fudge