(Credit to Costume-Con 42)
Written by Colleen Bement, Editor
WhimsyCon has joined forces with Costume-Con 42 to put on an event to remember March 29 – April 1, 2024
Costume-Con 42 is right around the corner, and fans have been prepping for a long time. This year’s theme Heart of Gold has been inspired by the iconic spaceship from Douglas Adams’ “The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy” Imagine guests exploring the whimsical, the improbable, the futuristic, and the cosmic in the world of costuming. Remember the “Heart of Gold” starship that was powered by an Infinite Improbability Drive? This year’s theme centers around retro sci-fi, comedic space opera, and zany time-travel themes that are going to inspire the most amazing cosplay, as well as things to do at the con. The fun will be happening at the Hyatt Regency Aurora-Denver Conference Center (Supernatural convention fans know the hotel!), and rooms are going fast at that discounted rate.

Ready for an event that unites passionate individuals from across North America? What makes Costume-Con is unique in that it is the longest-running costuming and cosplay-oriented event in the country. They are celebrating 42 consecutive-ish years! They had only one cancellation during COVID, and one virtual. It’s an annual event, and it travels to different cities every year, allowing costumers across the country to attend something closer to home every so often, but at the same time, encouraging attendees to explore the city in which it’s being hosted that year. Another unique aspect of Costume-Con is that they currently host four different stage costume competitions to allow and encourage a variety of skill sets and creativity. In addition to their Scifi-Fantsy-Fandom and Historical competitions, they have two that are unique to this convention. The “Future Fashion” competition is part art (linework drawing of costumes) and part 3D creation of those drawings, and the “Single Pattern” competition allows entrants to take a single pattern (choice between three this year) commercially available pattern as their base, and create something all their own.
Other fun ‘easter eggs’ found in this world of science fiction will include:
- Sense-O-Tape: In Douglas Adams’ “The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy” series, Sense-O-Tape is a device that prints smells. It allows users to experience scents while reading books or watching movies, making the sensory experience more immersive.
- Babel Fish: Another invention from “The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy,” the Babel Fish is a small, yellow creature that, when inserted into one’s ear, instantly translates any language spoken by the individual nearby. This handy creature eliminates language barriers and facilitates communication across different cultures.
- Milliways, better known as the Restaurant at the End of the Universe: In Adams’ series, Milliways is a five-star restaurant located at the literal end of time and space. Patrons can enjoy a meal while witnessing the spectacular show of the universe’s destruction, which occurs every night. It’s the ultimate dining experience for the adventurous and time-traveling food enthusiasts.
- Petunias and Whales: In “So Long and Thanks for All the Fish,” the fourth book in Adams’ series, a massive spaceship picks up a pair of dolphins and two lucky human hitchhikers just before the Earth is destroyed. As they are transported across space, one of the dolphins muses on the strange connection between petunias (a type of flower) and the sudden appearance of whales in the universe. It’s a lighthearted and whimsical moment that adds an extra layer of creativity to the story.

The Guest of Honor is Christine Millar is the creator and proprietress of SewStine, an online blog and social media presence focused on costuming 18th and 19th-century costumes using a combination of both historically accurate and modern techniques. Learn more about Christine here.
Did you know that Costume-Con was born in Denver? While the first Costume-Con took place in San Deigo, California, the idea for it was generated in the lobby of the Sheraton in Downtown Denver, during the 39th World Science Fiction Convention (Worldcon). Several participants from the masquerade there thought it would be great to have an event that celebrates all things costuming, and encourages people to bring out the outfits that only see the light of day maybe once. The last (and only other) Denver Costume-Con was 31, back in 2013, so it has been 11 years since it was last in Denver and the organizers are absolutely thrilled to bring it back. While we don’t have a central organizing committee across all the cities, we do have an Archivist, who keeps track of all the conventions, their data, and official photos. Learn more about the history of Costume-Con 1 and its successors.
Weekend Memberships: TICKETS:
Adult $90
Youth (13-17) $70
Child (4-12) $45
Military / First Responders $80
Student $75
“Attending Membership” grants the badge holder general admittance to the Costume-Con 42 convention. This includes, but is not limited to:
- Dealer’s Room
- Exhibition and Gallery Areas
- Main Events and Competitions
- General Programming
- Gaming Lounge
- Friday Night Social
Additional special programming may have separate registration and fees, as well as potential materials fees for workshops. All programming with additional fees will be listed as such. Purchase of a Membership also grants an allowance of voting privileges for site selection of Costume-Con 44, receipt of the Fashion Folio, and any pre-convention progress reports sent out as well.
Stay in the know on Costume-Con’s Socials:

Hi, I’m Lynn, and I Make.
Props, Cosplay, Scale Models, Home Projects, and just about anything else that involves me Making.
Eldwenne’s Fantasy™ and Wire Wrapture Artistically Twisted ™
Jodi invites you to explore your well-being with designs from Wire Wrapture Artistically Twisted™ and to declare your favorite fandom proudly with designs from Eldwenne’s Fantasy™.
A riddle wrapped in an enigma wrapped in a warm tortilla, served to you fresh using patented space-age technology. all games played on this channel are using original hardware and software whenever possible.
A positive podcast about video games. Chris and Ashley go over the video games we love.
*Bigs thanks to*
Chris and Lynn
Dustin Hatchett
Ron Peterson
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