(Photo courtesy of GalactiCon)
Written by Colleen Bement, Editor
Denise Crosby was an absolute delight to chat with at the very first GalactiCon. The exciting new event hosted Denver-area fans for a weekend of friends and fun, and Nerd Alert News was lucky to learn of some fun stories. Well-known for her role as Lieutenant Tasha Yar in “Star Trek: The Next Generation,” Crosby left a lasting impact on Trekkies around the world. The talented actress made such a big difference in the fandom world with her documentary “Trekkies” when she shared some amazing stories about the fandom. Apart from her prominent role in “Star Trek,” she has demonstrated her incredible talent in various other TV shows and films. Her credits include appearances in popular series like “Ray Donovan,” “Dexter,” “The Walking Dead,” and “The X-Files.” Her ability to tackle diverse roles with depth and conviction has made her a respected figure in the entertainment industry. Catch up with one of our favorite Trekkies, Denise Crosby.
Colleen Bement: Thank you so much for taking time out of your weekend here at GalactiCon.
Denise Crosby: It is my pleasure. You look amazing. Look at this outfit!
Colleen Bement: I’m celebrating the 60th Anniversary of “Doctor Who.” Speaking of “Doctor Who.” Did you ever watch it, and do you have a favorite Doctor?
Denise Crosby: Oh my gosh, that’s a loaded question. I’m trying to think, so the first time I knew of “Doctor Who” until I got to London where I lived for a year in 1980. I was modeling then and everybody’s talking about Doctor Who, Doctor Who. It’s the coolest thing ever. I kind of took a peek and I went OK, whatever, and went about my ways. Then many, many years later, and people are still talking about “Doctor Who”! I checked it out again and I love it. How can you not love these guys, and I’ve met a number of The Doctors over the years. I’m certainly partial to Matt Smith. I love David Tennant. I just think they’re fabulous actors. Those are the two that I know best of all.
Colleen Bement: We’re going to move on to another one of my favorite shows, “The Walking Dead.” You were amazing as Mary, and I can be honest, I was watching it not knowing that you were going to be in it and I yelled at the TV: It’s Denise Crosby!!! Do you have any stories from the set?
Denise Crosby: It was incredible. This franchise that I stepped into. The thing that first comes to mind was how welcomed I was by everyone. Andrew Lincoln greeted me as if I was his long-lost best friend. He jumped up and gave me the biggest hug. It was so special that I looked around and was like is this a trick? People are nice, but then there’s Andrew Lincoln nice. He was fantastic. That’s a really important quality because you’re walking onto a set that people have been together for years now as a family. Oftentimes you’re not that welcomed. He really took the burden out of that. And then it was just so much fun. To be part of that. I was working kind of blindly a little bit. They’re very protective and very secretive, so I didn’t really know much. As a matter of fact, the day before I started shooting I said to the producer, I think you kind of need to tell me, what is the Terminus thing. What does this mean and what are they doing? He said yes, I think I finally should tell you. Well, they’re trying to survive, and this is a place or sanctuary, but it’s not what it turns out to be.
Colleen Bement: Not at all!
Denise Crosby: OK, meaning what? Well, you’ll find out. Just grill up some meat and we’ll tell you later. Need-to-know basis.
Colleen Bement: I want you to know that “Trekkies” meant a lot to me. I was a nerd growing up and I was teased a lot. What does it mean to you know this many years later? It still means a lot to us.
Denise Crosby: “Trekkies” was born out of my experience of entering a franchise and being exposed to a world I knew nothing about. I’d never been to a comic con. I didn’t even know about comic cons, and “Star Trek” is the father of them all. At the same time, I knew that it wasn’t being accurately told–the story from the fan’s point of view. It was very easy for people to make fun of a new “Star Trek” convention coming to town. Get out those spears everyone, and dress up, and here we go. Two to beam up. And I knew that fans were doing extraordinary charities, they were making friendships, they were connecting in a way that was freeing, that was forgiving, that was a real sense of family was being had. There is no “Star Trek” without the fans. It’s the most symbiotic relationship I’ve ever seen.

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