(Photo credit: Ekaterina Belinskaya)

By Colleen Bement, Editor…

Of course, that was before I realized that I’d need to study Geology, Biology, Chemistry, Physics, Geography, and more. To this day, my imagination still takes me back a hundred million years ago to picture what the earth must have been like with dinosaurs roaming the earth. Somebody please build me a time machine!

Photo by cottonbro studio

Dinosaurs have been a source of fascination for many generations. From the giant T-Rex to the small yet vicious Velociraptor, these creatures are often seen as majestic, powerful and awe-inspiring. They have captured our imaginations with their strange shapes and sizes and have become an integral part of pop culture. There is just something about dinosaurs that draws us in and makes us love them. Whether it be their sheer size or the fact that they lived so long ago. Thanks for paleontologists and museums like the Denver Museum of Nature and Science, we have the opportunity to stand beside the bones of a T-Rex like Sue.

Saturday With Sue The T. Rex at Denver Museum of Nature and Science

These beasts were mysterious and powerful, and they represent a time when nature was wild and untamed, and offer us an opportunity to explore our own curiosity about the past. Although they have have been extinct for millions of years, they remind us of the power and beauty of nature. Whether you’re a dinosaur enthusiast or just curious about these ancient creatures, there’s something for everyone to learn about dinosaurs.

Lynn Makes

Hi, I’m Lynn, and I Make.

Props, Cosplay, Scale Models, Home Projects, and just about anything else that involves me Making.

Eldwenne’s Fantasy™ and Wire Wrapture Artistically Twisted ™

Jodi invites you to explore your well-being with designs from Wire Wrapture Artistically Twisted™ and to declare your favorite fandom proudly with designs from Eldwenne’s Fantasy™.

System Reactor

A riddle wrapped in an enigma wrapped in a warm tortilla, served to you fresh using patented space-age technology. all games played on this channel are using original hardware and software whenever possible.

Subspace Journey

A positive podcast about video games. Chris and Ashley go over the video games we love. Updated biweekly.

Chris and Lynn

Evan Conroy

Ron Peterson

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