Welcome aboard, passengers! The moment countless “Drakesters” have eagerly awaited has finally arrived. “Bell Air” has officially taken to the skies with the release of the latest album from Drake Bell, Non-Stop Flight! This album may have been years in the making, but it was worth every second of the wait. Bell has created a fully immersive concept album that transports the listener back in time to the golden age of flight.

The album is a seamless ride with in-flight messages (complete with sound effects and vintage audio!) preparing the passengers for the next leg of their trip. Each track effortlessly leads into the next and creates the imagery of going on a musical flight through the skies. The captain, Drake Bell, takes the listener on a journey of love, loss, pain, and the healing that leads to the new beginning.
Paying homage to his Mexican fan base, and his love for the country, Bell incorporates his own spin on Spanish music into this album. He showcases his vast talent and range with “Te Desenamoraste,” “La Camisa Negra,” and a cover of “Living La Vida Loca” all done completely in the foreign language. These are alongside “I Found Love” recorded with a mix of Spanish and English.

While no album is complete without a mix of crooning and upbeat love songs about happiness and heartache alike (which there’s a perfect amount of), this musical journey gives light to a more personal and deeper side of the artist. Drake has pulled back the curtains and given the listener a glimpse into his heart and soul. “Going Away” and “Hollywouldn’t” speak about the trials and pain of being a young musician and actor navigating life in Hollywood, but finding the fight to take the power back and start over. Bell takes the audience down his path to healing with “I Kind Of Relate” and “Waiting For My Flight”. The two songs provoke a feeling of finding the beauty and the pain that comes along with letting go and the healing process. However, it was “Draw Me Closer” that had us in tears. It’s clear (to us at least) this track is the realization of that beautiful moment of finally finding the light and coming out on the other side of all the trauma and past mistakes.
Of course, we can’t go without mentioning the fun and chaotic “By The Ocean.” The smile and dancing this upbeat song evokes is unavoidable. Bell’s rendition of “Tainted Love” is also top tier. Definitely, in our opinion, one of the best covers.

The work, dedication, and love that went into the making of Non-Stop Flight is evident in every single track. Thank you for having the courage to share your story, Drake. We 100% recommend giving this album a listen beginning to end. Bell is also currently in the midst of an international tour promoting Non-Stop Flight. Nerd Alert News got the opportunity to see him perform this past July at the Kona Skate Park Clubhouse in Jacksonville, FL. We can wholeheartedly confirm that he puts on one hell of a show! We will also be attending his performance on January 24, 2025 at Tin Roof in Orlando, FL. Let us know if we will see you there!
Find all the important Drake Bell links here.
Written by: TiShea Wilson, Outreach and Recruitment/Staff Writer

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