Joseph Gatt has worked on some amazing sets from the Starship Enterprise to waging war in Castle Black, yet working alongside Oscar winners everywhere on Disney’s new “Dumbo” was a dream come true. This London born and raised actor is known for his roles in “Star Trek: Into Darkness,” “Game of Thrones,” “Z Nation,” “NCIS: New Orleans,” and the list rolls on. Get to know fellow geek and actor who also devotes his free time helping children who suffer from alopecia; the disease he has had since 12 years old.
Disney’s Tim Burton-directed “Dumbo” comes out Mar. 29, 2019.

Colleen Bement: “Dumbo” holds a place in so many of our hearts. What can you share about your experience making one of the most anticipated films of 2019?
Joseph Gatt: I thought I was spoiled working on the bridge of the Starship USS Enterprise every day, or to be waging war in Castle Black, but working on “Dumbo” was a true dream come true for an actor. Everyone was amazing. Not only was I working
This was a set where everyone was so excited to be at work every day and to create this movie, but no one more so than the maestro himself, Tim. He’s a true artist in the original sense of the word. He’s a painter with lights, cameras, and actors. He was the loving patriarch and we were the collaborative family. It was a truly blessed experience.
Everything on this movie was on such a grand scale, especially the sets. They were gorgeous. We filmed on several stages at Pinewood in London and also at the massive airship hangers in Cardington, just north of London where the large Dreamland set pieces were located. The sets were exquisitely gorgeous and beautifully detailed. Many people will watch this movie and think that it’s all CGI, but they’ll be very wrong. We couldn’t find a flying elephant that was available during our schedule, so he’ll be CGI, but almost everything else was real. My favorite set has to be Nightmare Island. I don’t want to give away too much, but it’s truly awesome!
CB: What is it like to pay a “baddie” versus playing a good guy, and are viewers going to love to “hate” you in your role as Skellig?
JG: I don’t really have the “good guy” look, which is rather fortunate because I really enjoy playing “bad guys.” They’re way more interesting and exciting and you can do so much more with them. In a sense, it’s almost cathartic. It’s like therapy. I get to feel and do all of these crazy things that I would never do in real life. It’s such a release. The great thing about Skellig is that he’s not just a regular villain. He’s a Disney Villain. He’s the antagonist against one of Disney’s most beloved characters. Kids are going to hate me worldwide. Mercy (my partner) and I went to Disneyland on Superbowl Sunday because we think it’ll probably be my last chance without kids wanting to tear me limb from limb when they see me. Disneyland could prove to be a very rough place for me after March 29th, haha!
CB: You’ve done a lot of voice acting and our readers will know your voice as “Lord Scourge in “Star Wars: The Old Republic” and “Star Wars: The Old Republic – Rise of the Hutt Cartel.” Was that a fun project, and are you a big “Star Wars” fan?
JG: OMG I’m a massive “Star Wars” fan/geek. I have been since the original trilogy! It was a massive privilege to be offered a lead role on “Star Wars: The Old Republic.” I mean, who doesn’t want to play a Sith Lord? Scourge is the best kind: one who is in constant conflict with the dark & light within him! He also kind of looks like me.
CB: I doubt you have too much time off, but when you do, how do you spend it?
JG: I love to try to spend time helping others, primarily children and animals. I work very closely with
I also love to travel. It’s one of life’s great pleasures to explore new places and meet people from different cultures. I love cars and spending time at car events or track driving. I also love sports. Health and fitness are a way of life for me that incorporates healthy eating, weightlifting, martial arts, yoga