VIDI Space, founded in 2018 by Elizabeth Saint (Ghost of Shepherdstown), Justin Narragon (Paranormal Lockdown), and Nick Groff (Paranormal Lockdown, Ghost Adventures, and Ghosts of Shepherdstown), is a streaming platform consisting of “unique programming of acquired and original content defined as a SPACE for indie content creators to be SEEN.Today, the network takes immense pride in catering to independent filmmakers in every genre. However, they began as a place for horror, haunting, paranormal, documentary, and science fiction. This month, they are going back to their roots and bringing us a month chock-full of brand new content perfectly dubbed: FEAR/TOBER!

Nerd Alert News got the chance to check out the wonderfully scary line up in store for this month-long event, and needless to say, the excitement is through the roof. Those interested in the paranormal, all things spooky, and the downright terrifying are going to want to check out these major events that are going to be dropping during FEAR/TOBER below.


New Series

‘Death Walker’

Photo Courtesy of VIDI SPACE

This brand new VIDI SPACE exclusive series hosted by the legendary and world-renowned paranormal researcher, Nick Groff, releases its first season on Halloween (pre-orders available now). It will consist of 5 one-hour episodes and follows Groff as he delves into why different locations are haunted. Each episode will compare two separate locations where he uses different paranormal theories to dissect these hauntings and find out that not everything can necessarily be considered a ghost. Who knows, he may just end up redefining the views on paranormal phenomena as a whole. For a glimpse of what Nick has coming, take a look at the trailer below. #DeathWalker



New Specials


‘Shocktober’ (Four live streamed experiences)

Photo courtesy of VIDI SPACE


In this spine-tingling live experience, you will virtually be walking through Virginia’s Carlheim Manor and the Well of Souls, getting a total of ten hours of terrifying content. Paranormal investigator, Nick Groff, will be leading the adventure through the mansion and actress, Nikki Blonsky will be taking on the Well of Souls. That, however, is not all this heart-rate-inducing event has to offer. On Halloween night, viewers will be taken on a first-person walkthrough of the mansion and may just discover for themselves why it is considered one of the scariest places in the country.


October 23rd @ 9/8c pm – Nikki Blonksy

October 24th @ 9/8c pm – Nick Groff

October 30th @ 9/8c pm – Wayde Byard

October 31st @ 9/8c pm – First Person POV


Find tickets on the Shocktober and VIDI SPACE websites. All proceeds from this event will benefit The Arc of Loudoun. Located in Leesburg, Virginia, The Arc of Loudoun advocates for, educates, serves, and supports people with disabilities and their families.


‘A Séance Revisited’ (Three day live-streamed event)

In this three day live-streamed event beginning on October 29 at 9 a.m. ET/6 a.m. PT and ending on October 31 at Midnight PT, viewers get an inside look at the house famous for its inspiration of the 2013 horror film, ‘The Conjuring.’ Extra paranormal investigations and special guests will be making appearances outside of the main event, including YouTube of ‘Exploring with Josh’ and ‘Sinematic Seth’ on Friday. But that is not all! On October 30th at 6 p.m. ET/3 p.m. PT, there will be a LIVE three hour event of a séance where Ed and Lorraine Warren once performed one of their own.

Find tickets for this event here.

Special guests include: 

Nick Groff (Ghost Adventures, Paranormal Lockdown, Ghosts of Shepherdstown)

Cory and Jennifer Heinzen (Owners of The Farm on Round Top Road)

Exorcist and Psychic couple Father Larry and Debbie Elward

Eclectic Witch Megan Deputy (The Ghost Finders TV show on Vidi.Space / AmazonPrime).

John Huntington and Joe Rainon


‘The End of the World’ (One hour special)

On October 31 at 11 p.m. ET/8 p.m. PT, the Talking Board Historical Society brings the board that has gone down as the most terrifying one they have ever collected to conduct a session in front of Baphomet at The Satanic Temple. Keep in mind, this particular board has been said to have coerced a young man into trying his hand at murder. 


‘The Malvern Villisca Experiment’ (One hour live-streamed event. Date TBA)

Johnny Houser, Josh Heard, and Paul Kocsis take viewers on an incredible journey as the conduct a special experiment at two haunted Iowa locations. Come see what is waiting at the Malvern Manor and the Villisca Axe Murder House


Photo Courtesy of VIDI SPACE

As if all that was not enough to keep VIDI SPACE viewers on the edge of their seats during the month of October, the streaming service has new episodes of existing shows and brand new documentaries! ‘Sounds Scary’, with hosts,  Ryan Cultrera and James Oster (aka JimmyO), will premier two new episodes on October 9 and 23 at 11 p.m. ET/8 p.m. PT. There will be new live VIDI Audiojack Sessions on October 9 at 7 p.m. ET/4 p.m. PT and on October 30 at 1 p.m. ET/10 a.m. PT. ‘Tarot Date with Ken Boggle’ will have new episodes dropping every Friday during the month of October. ‘Buried Secrets Paranormal’ returns October 31 at 8 p.m. ET/5 p.m. PT and an all-new ‘The Ghost Finders’ will have a special episode at the Winchester Mystery House (date TBA). New documentaries include ‘JPR Experience: Missouri State Penitentiary’ on October 26 at 9 p.m. ET/12 a.m. PT and ‘Haunted Roots Documentary’ on October 31 at 7 p.m. ET/4 p.m. PT.

It is safe to say that VIDI SPACE has gone above and beyond to keep their viewers entertained and scared out of their wits this October. Head here to start your 14-day free trial and gain access to their full library (monthly options also available, cancel anytime). Use coupon code FEARTOBER for 50% off the first 12-month subscription. If you don’t want another subscription, VIDI SPACE has got you covered! There will be a pay-per-view option on each event. They also offer rental and purchase options on select content along with pay-per-view options every Friday when new content premiers with live watch and chat parties. The VIDI SPACE platform has free downloadable applications on iOS, Android, tvOS (Apple TV), Android TV, Amazon Fire TV, and Roku. Follow VIDI SPACE on Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook for the full list of upcoming content being announced each week!


Written by: TiShea Wilson

TiShea is a Tennessee grown and transplanted in Florida mom and all-around nerd. Her biggest obsessions are writing and Supernatural, but she will gladly talk Star Wars, Harry Potter, Nancy Drew, and Being Erica for as long as you want. She is also currently attending college and working hard on earning her A.A. degree.