(Rob Ciano. Photo courtesy of LDV – PR | Public Relations)
Meet Rob Ciano. For those who haven’t heard his name, take note. This filmmaker has created and directed the new thriller film called “Shimmer” and horror fans are really going to enjoy it. Inspired by the fact that many people have a fear of the dark, what if the reverse was true? Would someone be afraid of the light? The adventure of making “Shimmer” was a dream come true to Ciano, yet it was the most difficult thing he had ever done in his life.
A director and producer he is also known for “Effectively Schizo” and “Twenty-Nine.” Yet it is “Shimmer” that is really getting him noticed. Get to know Rob and hear the stories behind the set of this exciting new film.

Film Synopsis:
Dr. Thea Kait (Nichole Galicia) is a forensic scientist with the Seneca Police Department. She is called to the scene of a crime by her friend, Detective Kurt Blas. There’s been a murder… or has there? The body isn’t like anything either of them have seen, and the widow of the deceased issues a warning: “It’s in the light.” Soon, the bodies start racking up – and the remains are just as baffling. With mounting pressure from Captain Rose, Thea and her forensics team must work quickly to find the culprit… if there is one. The more evidence they find, the less it seems like a human killer. But what could be behind these deaths? How can they stop it? And what, if anything, is in the light?
Colleen Bement: Let’s talk about your exciting new film “Shimmer.” The teasers and the trailer are absolutely creepy! I think any time I see that rainbow reflection in the light, I’m going to think of “Shimmer.”
Rob Ciano: Excellent! That’s the reaction we were going for!
CB: My first question is, where did you get the inspiration to write it?
RC: The inspiration for this film came from a few different places. Most of us are familiar with the concept of fear of the dark, but I started wondering about the reverse. Why would someone be afraid of the light? I thought about different characteristics of light and why it could be frightening or threatening. I thought about being a little kid, scared of the blinking light on the smoke detector, and of creepily blinking street lights on dimly lit roads. As I dove deeper into these ideas, I saw how they could be organized into a story, with the concept of light playing a major role. As that story continued to take shape in my head, I almost couldn’t help but put it down on paper.
CB: What was it like to direct the film?
RC: To put it simply, it was a dream come true. Add to that, it was the most difficult thing I’ve ever done. This being my first feature film, there was a lot of learning involved, doing things for the first time, and making a few mistakes to remember later on. However, I have nothing to complain about. It felt to me like everyone was excited to be there on set, and there was a strong team mentality. Film production can be exhausting, but we all worked together and overcame challenges. It was a really great experience.
CB: Did you grow up loving horror movies?
RC: Actually, not so much. I enjoyed a few classic horror films like “The Shining”, “Psycho” and “Nosferatu”, but it wasn’t what I gravitated towards. I was more likely to be watching “Star Wars” or some other sci-fi, if not a drama or comedy. However, I always appreciated horror and thriller films for their suspense-building techniques and their ability to keep you on the edge of your seat. I’ve always thought it is important as a filmmaker to experience all kinds of film, so I definitely make it a point to watch different genres.
CB: Your filmography is already amazing, and I have a feeling that you are just getting started! Do you have any other projects in the works?
RC: Thank you very much! Right now I’m polishing my second feature, a rom-com called “Twenty-Nine”, which will premiere this March at the Garden State Film Festival in New Jersey. Beyond that, I have a number of stories outlined and ready to be turned into a screenplay. My goal is to produce at least one feature film per year.
CB: Let’s get to know you better with a few speed-round questions.
1.) What’s a recent film that you’ve seen?
RC: Just yesterday I re-watch Baz Luhrmann’s “Romeo + Juliet”, which is a total masterpiece of a film. I love the juxtaposition of the classic dialog and the contemporary setting, as it makes the story accessible while maintaining what makes the work of The Bard so unique.
2.) What movie do you watch over and over?
RC: “Garden State”. I’ve watched it so many times I’ve lost count. Not only is it a great film, I also find myself inspired to write when I watch it. The characters are so vivid and the world is so believable. Add to that I’m originally from New Jersey, it’s definitely one of my favorites.
3.) Have you ever been starstruck, and did it affect your nerves?
I wasn’t so much “starstruck”… more like I accidentally struck a star. I was working as a vendor at an event which had a number of celebrity guests. Mostly, I just thought “Wow cool, that’s so-and-so.” Someone left our vendor table without taking their gift, so I left to track them down. I was looking over the crowd, not paying attention to where I was going, and I bumped into a very famous leading actress. I was already apologizing when I recognized who it was, at which point I’m certain my eyes bugged out and I lost the ability to speak. She was extremely gracious and insisted it was nothing. Still, that’s the kind of thing that can get your nerves firing!
CB: Thank you so much for taking the time out and best of luck with “Shimmer!”
RC: Thank you for having me!
Catch “Shimmer” on Blu-Ray and DVD at Wal-Mart, also available to stream on Amazon, Vudu, Dish, and InDemand. It stars Nichole Galicia, (“Once Upon A Time in Hollywood,” “Django Unchained”), and Kazy Tauginas, (“The Equalizer 2” “John Wick,” “Dolemite is My Name”).
Written by Colleen Bement
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