(Photo courtesy of Riss Zanfei)
Written by Colleen Bement, Editor
Riss is the queen of the plush!
Riss Zanfei wanted to create something that was going to feel like a “big hug that people could rely on.” Her adorable plushies, clothing, and accessories do just that. Making her childhood creative dreams come true, she started Tasty Peach Studios. This globally licensed brand can be found in Hot Topics and Claires everywhere, as well as in her storefront in Mishawaka, Indiana, and online. This talented artist attended this year’s Colorado Anime Fest, and her merch booth and panels were packed with fans. As the official designer and artist for COAF, she is known and loved for the artwork she has created year after year. And, as if she wasn’t busy enough, she is also the voice and talent behind the Chimera Vtuber, Kaimeriss! Get to know Riss and find out why she loves Anime conventions.

Colleen Bement: I know your fans are excited that you’re here at Colorado Anime Fest. Where did you come up with the idea for Tasty Peach?
Riss Zanfei: The idea in general started when I was ten years old. I knew I wanted to be an artist. I wanted to create and make sure that no matter what I was doing, I was able to do something that was going to make other people feel good and feel happy. I wanted to do something that was going to be that big hug that we just rely on. It’s funny because when you’re ten years old, you don’t think about what you want to do for the rest of your life, but for me, I was like I wanted to be an artist and I didn’t care what that entailed. Growing up in middle school and high school I was sketching and drawing. Both of my grandparents were huge inspirations. My grandmothers on both sides. My grandmother on my mother’s side is a painter and a poet, and my grandmother on my father’s side was a seamstress and had a beautiful singing voice. Both were huge pillars in my life. With my mother’s encouragement and my father’s encouragement, they pushed me to do something that was going to be fun for me creatively. I knew that there was probably not a lot that I can do on my own, and I wanted to go to art school. I saved up and went to art school. I got a degree in illustration and graphic design, but I don’t use it. I got that as a way to continue to do what I love which is creating. So, the whole inception of Tasty Peach was literally a ten-year-old’s dream that actually grew into a global brand.

CB: You’re the official designer of Colorado Anime Fest. What was it like creating the artwork?
RZ: It was a little stressful because anytime you have a brand new concept it can be a little stressful. You want to do your best. You want to make sure you’re putting your best foot forward when it comes to the concepts and creations. When I’m creating something for my brand, I’m the only person that has to give it the really okay before it goes out. But with Colorado Anime Fest, there’s an entire board of directors. There’s an art department that needs to look at it and make sure that it fits their theme. I was fortunate enough to really know the individuals involved with this convention. Really get to pick their brains on what Colorado Anime Fest really means to them. When I originally started designing the characters, the original concept, and creations were all me. I just really wanted to encapsulate all the things they wanted the con to represent. I feel that throughout all of these iterations that have come from all the art that I’ve done for them, we’ve gone through this little transformation of this younger character that was really free-spirited and happy and bouncy. And now she’s kind of grown up a little bit in year six. Now she’s a little bit older, a little more mature, and still very much fun-loving, but I think it encapsulates a little bit about the growth that the con has experienced overall. I feel that it’s been a really nice way to capture everything that they want represented in two adorable characters.
CB: Now when I look at that design, I’m going to see so much more.
RZ: Good. One of the things about conventions in general have always been personal space for me. Well before I was an artist, I attended conventions just with my friends. The feeling that I always got was being welcomed, a big hug, and a place for you to really be yourself. That’s what I wanted to bring to the table.
CB: Diving back into your childhood, by chance do you have any stuffed animals from your childhood? I still have one or two.
RZ: Yes, I do. I have this giant stuffed puppy, one of the TY Beanie Baby ones, and it’s a Glitter Retriever. My middle brother got it for me when I was really, really sick. I had pneumonia when I was a kid, and I had to stay home from a trip. My other brother went on the trip and came back with a big stuffed puppy for me. I named him Joey. It’s been one of the most precious plush that I’ve had. I’ve had it since I was 12 and I’m 35 now, so I’ve had it forever. He is so well-loved; he probably needs more stuffing. I have that one and I have this giant stuffed unicorn that I got for my sweet 16. I’ve held on to it. He’s in a storage space right now in my basement because it’s vacuum sealed because I don’t have room right now in my new place. Those are two very, very special plush that I have kept in my life for a very long time.
CB: A little bit about Anime. “Speed Racer” introduced me to the genre. What first caught your Anime eye?
RZ: It’s funny that you mention “Speed Racer.” My dad is very much into pop culture. He introduced me to everything from “Godzilla” to old black and white movies that were very badly dubbed, and he introduced me to older rock music like White Zombie and Black Sabbath. So much wonderful stuff. I grew up with all of that. The original “Doctor Who,” and “Star Trek.” Funny enough what got me into Anime was one of my best friends tried to get me to watch an episode of “Sailor Moon.” I thought it was weird and I didn’t like it. And then I saw “Dragon Ball Z” and I said what is this?! This is cool. I started watching that, and then another friend of mine introduced me to “Card Captor Sakura” and I was done! I loved this. I am into this. I am sucked in. It’s funny because it’s just another magical girl anime like “Sailor Moon.” Moonies everywhere will groan and be very upset at me saying this. My husband is a huge Moonie. He’s got the biggest “Sailor Moon” collection that I’ve ever seen in our house. Watching Toonami after-school segment was what got me completely hooked. It got me drawing more and creating more. It got me interested in going to conventions for the first time. It really showed me a good space to make friends.
CB: I get it, and I think conventions are such a safe space, and I have to say, especially Anime conventions like this one. I’ve never met a more welcoming, loving, and accepting group of people. There’s just something special about Anime fans.
RZ: It’s true. It’s like magic. It’s like you go to a convention, walk into the atmosphere, and instantly (snaps her fingers) the air just feels so welcoming, and everything else can just stop for a minute because you get to exist in a space where your best friend can cosplay, your other friend can be in their fur suit, and you can go to whatever panel you want, and somewhere done the hall somebody’s got Pocky ready for you.
CB: What’s your favorite Pocky flavor?
RZ: I love strawberry, but my other favorite is the matcha latte one that comes with a chocolate stick. They are super thick and there are only a couple of them in the package. They’re really decadent and expensive, but they are SO good!

CB: Well, matcha is my favorite thing on the planet, so I will have to go on a hunt for those. I want to know, have you ever walked into a Hot Topic or a Claires and just wanted to shout to everyone I made this stuff?!
RZ: I did. I actually have two separate stories. The first one was before I moved out to my new home, I was living in Indiana near my storefront. My storefront is in Mishawaka, Indiana, and we have a full Anime store there. It’s a great space. And there’s a Hot Topic at the local mall. The people who worked at the local mall knew me from before I started putting my stuff there because some of the people who worked there were either my friends or they were people who went to Anime cons. As soon as the plush started coming in, one of the managers there, I walked in, and she said your stuff is right here! I’m just sitting there freaking out. We were just having this moment of not being sure how this is supposed to go because it’s not very often that they get stock early. How many artists turn into licensed brands? It’s very rare. So, I had that moment of oh my god, I’m in a Hot Topic what the heck is going on? I had to, of course, buy one of my keychain plushies. I had to. I paid for my own plush, and she almost didn’t let me pay for it, but I said I need a receipt. I need a receipt that says the product name and the date. I got it for myself.
Then a few months later is when Claires started carrying my unicorns. I found them in Gatlinburg, Tennessee. I was on vacation with my husband and some friends. It’s a huge tourist trap. They have the best pancakes in existence, and I’d fight anyone who’d say otherwise. There’s this free-standing Claires and I walked inside, and I see a giant circular carousel filled with unicorn Meowchies and a giant unicorn on top. I walked up to them and told them that I wanted to take pictures, and she said they’re so cute, right? I don’t know what this brand is, but they’re so cute and I can’t keep these unicorns in stock. And I turned beet red because my husband turns to me and grins and says, by the way, she’s the designer. I am beet read and I’m trying to hide behind a unicorn plush because, of course, I wanted to have the receipt again. I keep little shadow boxes of my achievements because I very much don’t always remember the good things that I do with my life. I think it’s very important to keep this little record as a reminder of my achievements. I’m red in the face, holding this unicorn–this pale, teal-blue unicorn, and I can’t say anything. He’s laughing because he knows I’m embarrassed as heck, and the lady behind the corner was like really?!! And she was asking me questions and I was like, I just wanted pancakes. I’m really embarrassed.
CB: Do you have anything new coming out that you’d like to promote?
RZ: Yeah, we’re doing a special edition of peach Meowchi for my summer drop. It’s going to be a Website exclusive so go to TastyPeachStudios.com, and currently, I’m on a streaming hiatus, but I’m going to be back with my Vtuber in a couple of months on my Twitch channel and of course on my YouTube. I’m on Twitter a ton so come and say hi to me!
Check out Tasty Peach Studios YouTube, and follow her other socials!

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