(Photo courtesy of GalactiCon)
Written by Colleen Bement, Editor
Get to know the talented actress and advocate.
Jesse James Keitel celebrated her very first convention experience with Denver area fans at GalactiCon Nov. 24-27, 2023. The very lovely and talented actress, writer, and artist has made a name for herself with powerful roles in “Big Sky” and “Star Trek: Strange New Worlds.” She was an absolute delight to chat with and no doubt fans enjoyed getting to know her at the con. Originally from eastern Long Island, NY, she has been an advocate in moving the needle for the LGBTQ+ community’s timely representation in Hollywood and was honored with the Equality Award by the Human Rights Campaign in 2022. Keitel’s groundbreaking casting as Jerrie Kennedy on David E. Kelley’s “Big Sky ” made history marking her as ABC’s first openly transgender series regular. Please enjoy our interview.
Colleen Bement: Thank you for joining us at the first GalactiCon.
Jesse James Keitel: This is actually my very first convention.
Colleen Bement: What do you think so far?
Jesse James Keitel: It’s been so fun. That fans have honestly been incredibly humbling. “Star Trek” fans are a gift.
Colleen Bement: Speaking of Trek, you were on “Strange New Worlds” and your character was powerful. I really enjoyed her. Would you have a story that you can share with us?
Jesse James Keitel: I felt powerful. Actually, it felt so fun to do something like that where I got to be unapologetically strong. The day before filming started–I like to keep myself pretty pale, and for whatever reason I didn’t wear sunblock that day, and I got a horrible, horrible sunburn the day before filming. The first scene we shot was me in Spock’s quarters and I’m wearing this tight black mesh bodysuit. The mesh was so stiff it was like a screen door rubbing on my sunburn. The whole thing I felt like the Tin Man, kinda doing it. I just had to power through.
Colleen Bement: It didn’t show.
Jesse James Keitel: I’m glad it didn’t show, but yeah. So that’s probably the funniest thing that happened. It was funny. Not that I look back on it, of course, I got a sunburn and I had to wear a screen door suit.
Colleen Bement: Switching gears, You’ve done so much for the LGBTQ+ community, and I want to know, is there something that people can do to help with the cause?
Jesse James Keitel: Honestly just be kind to the people in your life. You probably know someone who is either questioning gender sexuality or someone who is already well on their way in some what shape or form. Just be good to them. It’s easy to be an ally. It’s easy to make mistakes–everyone does and everyone will, and it’s OK. Move on and keep going. As long as you’re leading with intention, that’s coming from a good place, I don’t think anyone will be too sour against if you don’t say or do the perfectly right thing.
Colleen Bement: Thanks. That’s really good advice. Now, moving on to “Big Sky.” I really enjoyed your role, and I’d like to know, what made it special for you.
Jesse James Keitel: Honestly it was kind of like a heroic role in a lot of ways. You had this woman who started from a disenfranchised place. She’s trying to change her life. She’s trying to do all this stuff, and then she becomes a victim of sex trafficking. Then to go from being captive to being able to track down your captor and kind of become the hero was such a powerful thing that I got to do. And also having her journey go from just trying to survive to trying to help other people was a powerful journey.
Colleen Bement: Thank goodness the strikes are over. Do you have any projects in the works that you’re allowed to tell me about?
Jesse James Keitel: I do. There’s one I can’t talk about and one that I’m very excited about. I’m going to be doing a play off-Broadway. I’ll be spending all of February doing it. It’s not quite announced yet, but I’m very much looking forward to it.
Colleen Bement: How long has it been since you’ve been on stage?
Jesse James Keitel: I’ve done a couple of play readings, but it’s been probably five years since I’ve done like a proper play. Maybe longer.
Colleen Bement: What do you think about stage versus film?
Jesse James Keitel: Oh, I started in theater. It’s been my bread and butter. I miss it. I sincerely miss it. Theater feels like I’m going home.
Colleen Bement: Two random questions:
What’s your favorite gas station snack?
Jesse James Keitel: Sour gummy worms. Breakfast, lunch, and dinner!
Pie or cake?
Jesse James Keitel: Honestly, I’m not the biggest pie or cake person.
Colleen Bement: Do you have a favorite comfort food?
Jesse James Keitel: A comfort dessert? Ice cream. Or cookies. Snickerdoodle for both. There’s an ice cream place near my house that’s got Snickerdoodle, and honestly, 10 out of 10.
Keep up with Jesse on Instagram.

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