Louden Swain’s first two shows of 2020 just happen to be on the same night. NaN was there for both incredible shows. Needless to say, the roof was blown into the galaxy. May seem hyperbolic, but I assure you, the boys of Louden Swain brought there A-Game and then some.
The night kicked off with the VIP Q&A session. Fans were able to ask a range of questions to the guys. They ranged from if Stephen (Norton) was going to keep his manicure to questions about their favorite albums. We even got to hear a funny story from the set of “Supernatural” while Rob (Benedict) was filming the scene where he threw the phone against the ATM.
Both shows included a lot of older songs that are rarely able to be heard at Saturday Night Special shows during conventions. Such as Cast Off and Reunion. Of course, there was a mix of their newer songs too such as Nightlight and a brand new song called Comeback Kid. You can view it below. This song will be number one on their new album. Hopefully being released this year sometime.
The night was full of many fun moments, like the one below of the end of This is How. As well as the crowd singing the first few lines of Silverspoon. Also, the usual audience kazoo solo and the light participation during the song Amazing. The crowds have really caught on with the light during this song and doing it to the beat. It has been fun to watch the process. The guys of Louden Swain definitely know how to get the crowd excited and ready to party. And Rob Benedict is a great frontman and knows how to get everyone participating.
It seems like the long break Rob, Billy, Stephen, and Mike had given them just what they needed to really bring down the house. They were really on top of their game and both shows were equally as fun and exciting. Each set had different songs. Except for the new song Comeback Kid. Rob felt like they should give it another go. It was only their third time performing it together as a band. If this song is any indication of how the album will be, I know it is gonna be another great album from these guys.
It is always a great experience to get to see these four perform live. Their talent seems to just get better and better with each performance.
Aside from the band being amazing as usual, the fans were also really great. Everyone was singing and dancing the entire night. There were even many faces I hadn’t had the pleasure of seeing before, which makes me happy to see. Their audience is growing and more and more people are able to see them as they continue to have shows outside the cons and in new cities.
Thanks for two incredible shows, guys! Can’t wait for the next ones!
Stay tuned later this week we will have a gallery full of images from the show!
Special thanks to Ferferelli on Twitter for sending us the Silverspoon video to use in this article.Â
Written by Melissa Rothman