As a child of the nineties who grew up with “Pokemon” in many variations from the series’, trading card game, and the video games from my teens to early adulthood it was quite an honor to be able to interview the lovely Sarah Natochenny who has voiced the main character Ash Ketchum for over a decade now. The series is currently in its 22nd season, in the United States, and can be viewed on Disney XD while a new animated film is set to be released in 2020.
Mordecai Russell: Hello, I would just like to take a moment to thank you for this opportunity, “Pokemon” was one of the shows I was first into as a nerd kid and still am as a young adult! My questions are as follows;
Since you started voicing Ash in 2006, how have you managed to not get burned out of the role? Has it been easier in some seasons more so than others to keep the delivery of his character “fresh”?
Sarah Natochenny: I don’t think I could ever burn out on a role. I love my job, I love being an actor. I’ve only burned out once, on a year-long editing job that had me working overtime most days. I loved it, but I definitely had symptoms of “burn-out” by the end of it.
MR: What have been some of the toughest lines/scenes of the series that have stuck with you?
SN: Saying goodbye to Serena, and the death of a “Pokémon” in Sun and Moon. Saying goodbye is always difficult.
MR: Are there any details that you can share with us for the rest of the current season and/or the film coming out in 2020?
SN: The rest of this current season is epic. I can’t tell you what happens, but it’s a game-changer. The film will be a CGI remake of the first “Pokémon” film, and it’s absolutely beautiful!
MR: Throughout the series, Ash hasn’t gone with a specific “Pokemon” type for his teams. Do you think this is why it’s taken so long for him to become champion?
SN: I can’t really speak to that, unfortunately. I think Ash teaches us a great lesson, which is to never give up on doing something you love and excel at.
MR: Have there been any decisions Ash has done that you as the voice actor thought went against him character-wise?
SN: I think Ash is always relentlessly Ash. Personally, I don’t approve of him throwing rocks at those Spearow though!
MR: Lastly: with “Sword and Shield” newly released, have you played either? If so, do you think it lives up to the standards of other “Pokemon” games?
SN: I have not played yet. We’ve been working on charity auctions and on finishing records on “Sun and Moon.” Hopefully in the new year!
Once again, it was quite an experience to interview this talented voice actor who has recently won “Outstanding Animation or Gaming – Demo, Best Voiceover” at the 2019 Voice Arts Awards by the Society of Voice Arts and Sciences. Beyond acting, Sarah is one of the founders of the non-profit organization Voices For Fosters. Their goal is to bring the joy of pet companionship to people who did not think they had the time, end euthanasia by mobilizing a community of artists to promote fostering programs around the world in order to help unburden overwhelmed shelter systems, and to improve care standards for all animals. Check out the site to learn more:
Written by Mordecai Russell