Downtown Colorado Springs, CO was taken over by pop culture this weekend Feb. 1-3, 2019 with GalaxyFest. The Antlers Wyndham Hotel Downtown Colorado Springs hosted the popular annual all-ages celebration.
the “The NeverEnding Story’s Noah Hathaway
Celebrities such as the “The NeverEnding Story’s Noah Hathaway and “Star Trek’s Tracee Lee Cocco were on hand for
GalaxyFest is all about the family and offered up plenty of activities for the kids such as Padawan Jedi training, storytime, a kids costume contest, dragon paper airplanes, and more.

Gaming was alive at the event with roleplaying, tabletop and video games. Believe it or not, there was a mermaid show on Sunday. Adults had their time with the always popular After Dark activities.
Japanese band Kazha at GalaxyFest
Friday night kicked off the party with opening ceremonies and a kickass concert featuring the Japanese band Kazha and comedian Jonny Bratsveen. GalaxyFest featured the popular band while on their US tour. The audience was into it and plenty of fans knew their songs! Lead singer and founder, Kazuha Oda sang with a charismatic and beautiful voice. She left the audience with advice to “be grateful for every day. Life is shorter than we think.”

Dealers room had some very nice gems. Attendees everywhere had goodies in their hands from artwork to T-shirts to hard to find cosplay items. Plenty of talented artists lined the hallways with books and stunning artwork. Two massage therapists were even there to soothe sore muscles.
Of course, there was the cosplay. Deadpool took on a dinosaur, Captain America was there to keep people safe, As always “Star Wars” was well represented at the fest with spot-on costumes and even R2D2 and BB8 were there. There was even a “Doctor Who” Dalek roaming the grounds.
Saturday night was the highly anticipated costume contest where judges and the audience were treated to passtion and hard work of the talent on stage.
Costume contest at GalaxyFest 2019
GalaxyFest brings fans from around the Rocky Mountain Region year after year. Now it’s time to start planning for next year’s event!