Welcome back to the countdown to the ‘Supernatural’ Season 15 premiere, which is tomorrow night. Hopefully you’re mentally preparing for it and hopefully these stories have helped with that.
“I’ve gone through a laundry list of lessons that I could share with you. Jared showing me that it’s okay to not be okay all the time. Misha teaching me to be proud of the things that make me weird. Briana teaching me not to let the world tame me into how they think I should be. Rob teaching me to let the world in and not be afraid to be vulnerable. Kim’s bravery, Rich’s passion, Rachel’s strength, and Jensen….I could write a book about all the wonderful things that he has shown me.
I wrote several things and ended up throwing them away because I couldn’t get it just right, or worse I was too afraid to share something so personal to me. I kept coming back to one though, something that wasn’t specific to any one of them, but all of them.
That lesson is simply that it’s okay to love them.
The characters, the actors, each other… so many of us are taught that we shouldn’t feel the way we do. That they are fictional, they are paid to do this, they are strangers. You know what? It doesn’t matter.
There are many people in life that won’t understand the relationships that have developed because of the show. It’s not their fault. They have never known the kind of passion and friendship that can become a force of nature the way we have. We are lucky. It is very rare and I believe it is important to hold it close and don’t let anyone tell you it is silly or wrong.
Yes, the characters are fictional, the story is fictional, but in a way, they are just as real as any person standing right in front of me. They have made me a better person and allowed me to be a part of a world where I found everything I was missing in this one.
The fact that we can love them, and they can love us in return, means that those stories will continue long after ‘Supernatural’ airs its last episode. And none of you are strangers, not anymore. You are a family, and Family is Forever.”