Why do Jared and Jensen never prank Kim Rhodes? Who does the fan-favorite actress “ship?” What is in store for the ‘Wayward Podcast?’ ‘Supernatural’ fans get up close and personal with Kim Rhodes at Big Texas Comic Con Sept. 20-22, 2019. San Antonio’s new favorite comic con took place at the Henry B. Gonzalez Convention Center and boasted celebrity guests like Kim Rhodes, as well “Sons of Anarchy’s Ron Perlman, Ryan Hurst, and Tommy Flanagan. Austin Amelio and Alanna Masterson represented “The Walking Dead,” while pop culture favorites from “The Office” Phyllis Smith, Brian Baumgartner, and Leslie David Baker were also on hand for their fans.

Rhodes choked up while talking about the anniversary of her “Wayward Podcast” with Briana Buckmaster, and talked about how much the ‘Supernatural’ Family has done for her, and how important they are to her and Briana. Nerd Alert News grabbed most of her heart-warming and funny panel.
Big Texas Comic Con Fan: Are you going to be in Season 15?
Kim Rhodes: Jody is scheduled to appear in the last season, but I don’t know what is happening since they know I am really bad at keeping secrets and I will tell you.

Q: Now that SPN is ending, what can we do to get ‘Wayward Sisters’ picked up?
KR: ‘Wayward Sisters’ is gone, those contracts have expired. Once the show was passed on by CW, there were two platforms that were interested in picking it up. One decided not to, the other said: “yes please, we have 25 cents and a cupcake” and they said “no, we cannot make it for 25 cents and one cupcake” so ‘Wayward Sisters’ will never again see the light of day.
Q: Do you like being on the show ‘Supernatural?’
KR: Yes! The set is fun and the people are incredible. It is full of laughter and hard work. Also, I get to do stuff like chopping off the heads of vampires and that’s frowned on if I do it in daily life – so I’ve heard.
Q: Who is your favorite person to be on set with?
KR: Briana. We’ve only been on set a couple of times together, but we clicked from the second I saw her. Briana’s light and love is a testament to the ability for friendship to overcome even the most deeply insecure ego.

Q: What is the worst prank on you from Jared and Jensen?
KR: In general, they don’t prank me, because I frighten them..because I have a very effective “mom voice”.
Q: In regards to Jensen and Jared and their success outside of the show.
LR: I think anything those boys do, they do well. We do still call them boys. They are men and they are moving through this world very well. I’m proud to know them.
Q: What is your all-time favorite ship?
KR: Aziraphale and Crowley. If you don’t know what I am talking about, I feel deeply sad for you. Go find ‘Good Omens‘ on Amazon Prime, go find the book by Terry Pratchett and Neal Gaiman it has been my favorite book for 30 years. Micheal Sheen and David Tennant play an angel and a demon that I ship deeply.
Here is my stance on shipping in general. First, I approve of every ship that involves me – all of them. Everybody on that show is sexy, and I love the idea of Jody getting with any of it because she works hard. The other thing is, when I finish my character when they call cut, it is not mine anymore. So what you do with the character in the privacy of your own mind is exactly why I do this. It is meant to now be yours. And if it gives you joy to continue the story in your heart, to continue the story in fanfiction, to continue the story with friends, then do it. The problem is when my ego and my sense of what is right starts infringing on someone else’s joy. Shipping should be about joy, it should be about love, it should be about what makes you happy – and if it makes you happy, you don’t need other people’s approval. It doesn’t have to be canon for you to love it.

Q: How was it playing Demon Jody?
KR: I loved it. My idea of Demon Jody was Harley Quinn. I thought she should have as much fun as possible. It was so much fun because I just got to be completely uninhibited and rage-filled. Jody gets angry, but she is lawful good. I got to be chaotic evil and it was so much fun.
Q: What’s your favorite episode in ‘Supernatural?’
KR: My favorite episode was ‘Wayward Sisters’ because it was my episode. I loved to see the aspect of hunting that the show doesn’t usually get to explore and I loved what we were building. Even though it didn’t get picked up, we got that and we got that because of the fans made it happen. So Forever and ever and ever there will be proof that you have a voice that is heard and is vital. To me, that is the most important thing.
Q: How are you planning to celebrate the first year anniversary of the podcast?
KR: We are doing something. We are doing something to celebrate Wayward in general. We have talked about it and it is sort of a thing and…yeah, I’m not going to tell you about it now. I don’t think you understand how important (chocked up)…I don’t think you understand what you have given me. I’m just an actor. I’m disposable, I’m replaceable, I’m dispensable. And ‘Wayward’ was the first time in my life that I felt like my voice was heard and reflected back at me with such enormity that I had to step into something else, that I had to become the person I always secretly wanted to be, and I secretly wished I was. ‘Wayward’ was the first time somebody said, no you are that person, go be it. So yeah, we have something planned that is very important to both of us because you are very important to us.

Q: You were talking about the SPN Family, what was the term you used?
KR: Passionately effective. The word crazy gets thrown around and I don’t like that word. Passion is not a defect. Love is not something we should apologize for. Our own unique expression of joy should be celebrated and we get shit done. People are jealous of that. People want to be us. People want what we have, they are just uncomfortable and they stay small because it is safe. The SPN Family is huge and vibrant and vital and treats itself like a real family, but no one has done what we’ve done and I am incredibly proud of the fans and how the fans express themselves. So I do not use that word, because you are passionate, not crazy.
Q: If you could be any other character, who would it be?
KR: Baby….there are a lot of dirty reasons for that, but none of them are why. I admire strong silent presences because I am not one and I think Baby says so much and doesn’t even have a mouth.
I think I would like to play Lucifer because Mark Pelligrino has done such an inspiring job of finding a powerful malevolence and yet, he finds such justification in being pure evil. That’s awesome and I’m inspired by that. I would love trying to be pure evil and I would love to see if there’s any difference that some estragon would make to that.
I would love to play a character who is vital, viable, considered attractive but doesn’t have to actually have sex with anybody, and has grey hair. I’d like to try being pure evil for a day or two and if anyone wants to write that, I will be in your show.
Written and photographed by Melissa Fudge