Did you miss last night’s “Arrow?” Don’t worry. We’ve got you covered.

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On the 3rd of December, episode seven of season eight of “Arrow” aired. This is the last episode of “Arrow” before the big crossover episodes begin. The episode opens back on the island where it all started for Oliver and Lian Yu, also known as ‘Purgatory.’ They are brought back to the island, by ARGUS, because they need to build a device and the materials are found there.

Oliver is questioning why he is back and has to tell his kids that he will not survive The Crisis. As expected neither of his kids is too happy with this. Diggle asks Lyla why he wasn’t told about this mission as he had thought there would be no longer be any secrets between them. Lyla tells Diggle that she couldn’t tell him because Mar Novu had sworn her to secrecy. Lyla explains that Novu once saved her, and this is the reason for the trust. To me, that is not good enough of a reason.

Dinah, Rene, and Roy are on their way by plane with part of the device but then get hit and end up crashing. Diggle, Lyla, and Connor go and find them. While Laurel and Oliver go on the hunt to find the plutonium(device), they run into an old enemy, Fryer. They fight them off but Fyer escapes. Diggle, Laila, and Connor find Rene and Dinah. Rene is injured and Laila takes him back to the camp.
Meanwhile, Oliver runs into an old friend of his Yao Fei. He wonders how he’s alive and who else from his past is on the island. As it turns out a few people are brought back from the dead!
Dinah leads Diggle and Connor to the crash site and they find Roy pinned down under some rubbish. Diggle, Dinah, and Connor try to get him out but unfortunately, they can’t. Laurel shows up at the crash site and she tells them they don’t have much time left before Fyers guys show up. Roy makes the sacrifice to have his arm cut off while Dinah and Laurel fight Fyers’ guys off to give them some time.
Oliver and Yao Fei end up trapped by some nets set up by Fyer. Connor, Diggle, Dinah, and Laurel bring back Roy to the camp in order to save his life. They wonder why Oliver isn’t back yet. Mia wants to go find Oliver. William makes a wonderful speech about how she is afraid to lose her dad and talks about the past and the lessons they learned from their parents.
Trapped in the nets, Yao Fei questions Oliver’s actions. He talks about how Oliver should live now and be patient. Oliver accepts it and Yao Fei frees them from the nets. Diggle goes and speaks to Roy to tell him that it is not his fault. Roy is happy he’s back on the team again because he is not alone any longer.
Fyer’s team has surrounded their camp. The team is getting the weapon device ready and they suit up–just like old times. William turns on the device but it isn’t working. They need Oliver back to the camp to start the device. Oliver is back but of course, the device does not turn on. His DNA doesn’t match (they can never catch a break can they!) Lyla’s DNA actually DOES match. As it turns out, she the weapon.
The rest of the team try and fight Fyers’ guys but you can see that they are failing. As soon as Lyla touches the device, everything changes. All the enemies disappear and a portal shows up, Lyla tells everyone she has to go.
Back at the camp, Oliver tries to give a goodbye speech to Dinah and Rene but as expected they do not want to hear it. In the cells on the island, William tries to give back the stone that led him back to Roy. Roy then tells him that it should be kept in the family.
Oliver shows up and he and William have a beautiful father and son moment and talk about how proud they are of each other. It’s like Oliver is saying goodbye to his son. It brought a tear to my eye.
Oliver and Diggle talk about the kids and Diggle make sure to keep an eye on them and to keep them safe. Oliver also asks Diggle to find Felicity and make sure she and Mia don’t get separated.
Oliver and Diggle have a nice brother moment and talk about how thankful they are for each other.
Emotions are running high as in the end, Oliver is standing over a grave when Mia shows up. Mia tells Oliver that she finally understands why he did what he did. It was all to protect his family and she finally understands that. Oliver talks about how he used to hate the island, but now he realizes that it is a part of his story. To me, the island is what helped shaped Oliver into the man he is today.
They hug and the sky turns red and Lyla shows up, she tells them she is now the Harbinger of what’s to come.

It’s a perfect ending to start The Crisis crossover episodes.


Written by Keely Stuart
Keely Stuart, Writer. Big geeky nerd when it comes to TV shows and movies. She also loves to travel.