It was all about the cosplay at the Denver area Myths and Legends Con (MALCon for short) this past weekend Aug 12-14, 2016. There was the lovely TARDIS, a perfect “Barf” from ‘Spaceballs’, The Princess Bride family, a stunning Steampunk Castiel, Rufio, Carl, and so many more creations. There was even a cosplay duo that showed off their recently caught rare Pokemon. Of course there was a Pokestop at the event; yet back to the cosplay. MALCon attendees’ enthusiasm for costume comes from their love for the favorites. This event always focuses on what so many sci-fi enthusiasts love the most: ‘Firefly’, ‘Doctor Who’, ‘Harry Potter’, ‘Supernatural’, ‘Game of Thrones’, and this year ‘Dresden Files’. It is a cozy convention where friends come together to celebrate the art of geek.
MALCon really outdid itself with the epic programming this year. First off there was ‘Dresden Files’ author Jim Butcher, was on hand to meet fans and even hosted panels and activities. The popular band The Doubleclicks entertained a delighted audience with their Saturday night performance. ‘Avatar: The Last Airbender’ martial arts experts Sifu Manny and Sifu Kisu held discussions and demonstrations of various forms of martial arts used in the series. Popular sci-fi, fantasy, and horror writers were on hand for their fans in the artist alley and in plenty of panels. Aspiring writers had a field day with all of those informative panels. The gaming room was set up with every board game imaginable and was always packed with gamers. Tea dueling, filking, Tai Chi sessions, and and serious blanket fort building for kids and adults alike.
Sci-fi cons and cosplay were made for each other. MALCon fans have really found their favorites year with ‘Supernatural’, ‘Doctor Who’, ‘Harry Potter’, and ‘Firefly’. There are the families, the friends, and the geeky fans of all ages that really know how to summon that creativity to rock the costumes year after year. Can’t wait for next year!