NerdAlertNews attended Awesome Con D.C. 2019 and geekiness ensued. AwesomeCon was held at the Walter E. Washington convention center. At this convention, nothing is off limits, to the crazy talent list, the awesome cosplay, and the interesting exhibitors. The awesome talent list includes, (but is definitely not limited) to Ralph Macchio, Greg Grunberg, Milo Ventimiglia, Cole Sprouse, Val Kilmer, Chris Sarandon, Greg Cipes and many, many more.
The three-day event did not disappoint, the days were filled with panels, exhibitors and lots of photo taking. The size and population of this convention definitely rivals the likes of NYCC.

The typical day for a con-goer at Awesome Con was probably starting out with walking the insanely large and awesome vendor’s room, and of course, leaving time for panels. The autograph and photo op area always ran smoothly thanks to the awesome staff of volunteers. The spring weekend had so much to see and we at NerdAlertNews have all of the awesome pics for our readers to enjoy. The convention was also conveniently located near most of D.C.’s national monuments so it was great for the tourists as well.
An exhibitor who caught our attention is Lexie Carver, a horror novelist. She currently has two novels, a horror poetry book, and a female-centric feminist short story book. Her work can be found on her website. AwesomeCon is so great for many reasons, but especially for its inclusive nature of all kinds of guests and artists. Cosplayers at this event were very dedicated and always gave you an onlooker something memorable to take away.
Awesome Con gave NerdAlertews the opportunity to speak with some of the talent that attended and we will have those up for you to enjoy. Please stay tuned!
Written By Jadeen Mercado