According to Boardgame Geek, the number 1 board game in the world is Gloomhaven. This game is BIG! It contains several characters, lots of scenarios, and to the casual gamer, way too much. Cephalofair and Isaac Childres wanted to make this game accessible to everyone, so they went back to the beginning and created Jaws of the Lion (JOTL), a beginner’s introduction to the world of Gloomhaven. JOTL is so accessible, that Target has an exclusive early release of it, as the actual release date is August. I was able to obtain one of the early releases, so I can review it for you.

JOTL is a fantasy-based, 25 scenarios Role-playing game (RPG) for 1-4 Players. Players are one of the 4 mercenaries from the famous Jaws of the Lion, no dungeon master needed in this one, the game runs with a simple card-based mechanic. Also, there are no dice in both Gloomhaven and JOTL, all actions are made with card selection. As this is an RPG, I don’t want to give too much away of the adventure you will partake in.

Let’s start by opening the box, the first thing you will see is a sheet that tells you EXACTLY how to organize the game; it includes a token tray and how to sort all the monsters and their cards. The next step is to take out the scenario book and the how-to-play guide. Unlike Gloomhaven, JOTL does not require nor advise you to read the rule book but instead follow the learn to play guide. This literally teaches you the game in five tutorial scenarios. In fact, by Scenario 4 you are actually playing by the Gloomhaven rules. Each tutorial will walk you through your cards, what actions you can take, and how to take those actions. As you progress, you will be introduced to more complex rules and actions.

Once you have decided on a character, you will take the miniature and matching tuck box. In the box, you will find your character board, sheet, and all the cards you will need. The tutorial instructs you what cards to use. After selecting the appropriate cards, read the scenario book, and follow the instructions to set it up. All the maps you need in JOTL are in the spiral-bound scenario book. No tiles used to build a map, just turn the page and it’s all there. It shows where monsters and all the terrain and scenery are added. One great thing about this is the map already shows the different types of terrain and obstacles. This makes setting up the scenario so much simpler than regular Gloomhaven and even most other RPG type games. Once it’s all set up, you are ready to play.

As I said, the game’s actions are card-driven, so I will describe a basic turn and what to do. Each character comes with a specific set of cards for their character. In the first scenario, the player’s have a tutorial level of actions. As the game progresses, you will be able to obtain more powerful cards that can replace and/or be added to your deck. Your cards allow you to take all the actions needed, these consist of movement, combat, and all interactions on the map.

The first step in a turn is called card selection. Players will look through their deck and select 2 cards to play for the round. Each card has a top and a bottom action. On your turn, you choose one card top action and the other cards bottom one. In the middle is the initiative number, this will determine where your character will take their actions during the round. The monster groups also will draw one of their action cards, it will state what actions they take and what initiative number they have. The initiative is determined with characters taking their action in order from lowest to highest. After initiative has been determined, the active player takes their 2 actions and then the next highest and so on. After all actions, players place their 2 cards in their discard pile, select 2 more, and repeat the previous steps.

Each card is specific to that character, so I will leave you to discover the specific actions available. After each tutorial scenario, the game will instruct you what to do. After scenario 4, you will have learned 90% of the main rules of Gloomhaven and have all your basic level 1 cards. If you ever want to replay the game with different characters, Scenario 4 will be your starting point, as you already know the rules to play at level 1.

I think JOTL does exactly what it sets out to do. It is a fantastic starting point for anyone who wants to play an RPG type game. I would recommend this as a starting point for Gloomhaven and for any RPG for that matter. I have never seen a game that is so easy to follow and get into without first reading the rulebook.

There’s a reason that Gloomhaven is #1, and the combination of unique card play, constantly evolving characters, and all of what makes a great RPG. JOTL makes the joy of these games available to anyone!

Written by Ed Carter

His name is Ed and he is your guy for all things tabletop. He looks forward to sharing with you the amazing world of board gaming. Drop him a note if you have any specific games that you want to know about. Until then. Happy gaming!