It was the ultimate battle of good vs evil; Luke Skywalker, Ben Kenobi and Kaanan Jarus vs Darth Vader and the Emperor. Surely, one of these heavy hitters would reign supreme right? However, it was the mercenary squad of Weequay Pirates working for the dreaded Jabba the Hutt that took home the win.

Both old and new players gathered at Mythic Games in Littleton, CO, once again to test their mettle in the Fantasy Flight Regional Imperial Assault tournament. The prize, a seat at the World’s Tournament at Adepticon next month and a customized miniatures box. This is the end of an era, as this will be the last World’s tournament hosted by Fantasy Flight. The torch has passed on to the fans of the Imperial Assault Continuity Project. The IACP has now taken over in releasing new content and keeping the game alive.

Winner, Jesse Betz

Six players fought it out over three rounds, but it was a 3-0 total victory by Jesse Betz and his squad of mercenaries. These fearsome hunters took down Darth Vader himself! When I spoke to Jesse, he went into it focused and ready to bring home that box, and win he did!

Jesse has high hopes that one of the Colorado Walker Squad will do well in Worlds; as one of the groups made it to 14th in the past. Denver may have a small group, but it is one who is dedicated to this game.

I think Jeff, tournament overseer for the regionals, said it best, it all comes down to having fun. Win or lose, if you have a good time, then that is what matters.

Written by Ed Carter

His name is Ed and he is your guy for all things tabletop. He looks forward to sharing with you the amazing world of board gaming. Drop him a note if you have any specific games that you want to know about. Until then. Happy gaming!