On the 14th of January, episode 8 of season eight of “Arrow” aired. The last ever crossover episode with “Arrow.’ As someone who has mainly watched the popular CW series, and hasn’t kept up with the other shows, I was very glad when I was finally able to watch the latest episode and understand what was going on and who was what.

The episode opens up with a flashback to the other parts of the crossover. We then find out why the anti monitor was activated. As it turns out Marnovu accidentally activated the anti monitor when he did some ‘time-traveling’ and it didn’t go as planned.

All the other universes are destroyed. Kara, John, Sara, Batwoman, Dr. Choi and Lex Luthor are at what they call a ‘vanishing point’. We find out what they have been doing there. Choi and Lex have been building this machine and when they first turn it on, Barry shows up. The episode then goes back to Oliver being on Purgatory again. He knows what to do to stop the anti monitor. He goes to the vanishing point and tells the group what to do. The speed force is what’s going to save them. Barry uses his power and the group splits up into a few smaller groups.

Barry gets blown into the speed force. It’s all very complicated and Oliver tells him why he’s there. Memories are what is keeping all of them in the speed force and that is what is going to save them.

Meanwhile, Lex Luthor attacks Dr. Choi and Kara.


While Barry is trying to secure all of the memories, we run into the biggest surprise ever. Justice Leagues Barry Allen aka Ezra Miller shows up. If you think I squealed when I saw him then you are correct.


We all get to see everyone’s memories while they are in the speed force.
Barry’s memories go back to when Lex had used the book to make superman evil. Barry tells Oliver why he’s there. And Oliver tells Barry why he did what he did.

Lex Luthor shows up at the Marnovu universe. Lex tells Marnovu what’s going to happen if he goes on his ‘adventure’.

During all of that Barry is trying to secure every one of the team to get together and keep their memories safe.

Dr. Choi and Kara show up at Marnovu. Choi tells Novu to not go through with opening up a portal.

Barry has brought everyone to the anti monitor’s universe. Oliver is telling them what they need to do and how to hold down the line. While they all are fighting for their lives, Oliver and the anti monitor ‘talk’ and they basically fight to the death as well. Oliver lights the spark and the group knows what to do. A big explosion follows and Oliver is badly hurt. Barry and Sara Rush to his side. Oliver tells them he’s okay and that a new world is created because of his sacrifice. He tells them they need to keep going because this new world needs them.


And then Oliver takes his last breath…
An end and a beginning…

Written by Keely Stuart

Keely Stuart, Writer.
Big geeky nerd when it comes to TV shows and movies. She also loves to travel.