How can one watch the retelling of all seven Harry Potter books in just 70 minutes? Why go see “Potted Potter” of course! The hilarious Broadway hit returns to the Denver area Potterheads are grabbing tickets while they last. By popular demand, this show is back in the Mile High City and will be playing at DU’s Newman Center for the Performing Arts Mar. 26-31, 2019.

With a little help from the audience, just two actors switch costumes constantly, sing, and even play a game of Quidditch. Denver has the chance to see actors Joseph Maudsley and Scott Hoatson take on the task.
Daniel Clarkson and Jefferson Turner created the phenomenon back in London back in 2006 and it has been entertaining sold-out audiences everywhere. This Unauthorized Harry Experience – A Parody is family entertainment that will have wizards and muggles alike in stitches with laughter. “Harry Potter” fans who have not had the chance to see “Potted Potter” need to jump on the opportunity now. Tickets for “Potted Potter” can be purchased at or by phone at 303-871-7720, and the prices range from $39.99 to $99.99.

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