(Albert Nicholas. Photo credit to Nick Thiessen)
Written by Colleen Bement, Editor
Albert Nicholas has some amazing stories to tell.
The talented actor from Ottawa, Ontario has had roles on some of our most favorite shows here at Nerd Alert News: “Supernatural”, “The X-Files”, “Lucifer,” and “Van Helsing.” His fans have seen him on Hulu’s “Shut Eye” and Nickelodeon’s “The Astronauts”, The CW’s “Two Sentence Horror Stories”, and in the feature film “Little Fish.” Lately, he has been playing Captain Dixit in “Avatar: The Last Airbender,” and enjoyed the role of Trey in “American Girl: Corrine Tran.” Soon he’ll be diving into the role of Producer on an exciting project in the works. Nicholas loves music, strums his guitar once and a while, and loves to travel. Get to know this busy actor. We had a blast interviewing him!
Colleen Bement: Thank you very much for taking the time out for me. You play Captain Dixit in “Avatar: The Last Airbender” and I’ve heard such good things about the series. What has the experience been like to have a role on this show? Do you happen to have any stories that you can share?
Albert Nicholas: My experience working on this show really has been like no other. Lots of firsts on this one. First time incorporating a specific fighting style into a character. The series showcases different styles of bending which mimic different forms of martial arts. Luckily, I was able to participate in fight choreography and overall movement rehearsals with the production’s awesome stunt and martial arts team. First time working with practical fire effects. Talk about really setting the atmosphere. It was also the first time I was able to attend a premiere and walk the red carpet. Definitely a milestone I’ll remember for the rest of my life.
When I first booked the gig, I had no idea what I was getting myself into. I took a couple of weeks to binge-watch the anime and ended up becoming a huge fan. To know I’d be playing an Earthbender? How cool is that! On top of it all, I got to act alongside Paul Sun-Hyung Lee, whom I give a lot of credit to for giving me the space to deliver what was needed of my character. As a Guest Star passing by for one episode in a series, the pressure can be on to deliver in a timely matter as to not hinder the flow of a production on the move. The support and encouragement Paul provided throughout the shoot was everything. Pair that with the fight sequence and Dallas Liu, who plays Zuko, delivering one of those flying spin kicks to send me off? What’s not to love about this experience?

CB: You are also known for “American Girl: Corrine Tran.” What can you tell us about that movie?
AN: “American Girl: Corinne Tan” is a movie based on American Girl’s 2022 Girl of the Year- the first Chinese American doll to hold that title. In fact, her sister Gwynn is the first sister of a Girl of the Year to be released as well. The movie follows Corinne as she struggles with finding her footing in life, in the midst of adjusting to a new home in Aspen and her parents’ recent divorce. She finds new purpose when she meets an adorable puppy, named Flurry, with whom she builds a special bond as she helps train her to become a certified search and rescue dog. I play Trey, a Ski Patroller, who evaluates Flurry’s progress throughout the movie and is less optimistic about her potential as an avalanche dog. Fun facts: the sister dolls were played by sister rockstar duo Miya and Kai Cech! And we got to work with real search and rescue dogs. Dope experience!
CB: Do you have any other projects in the works that you can tell us about?
AN: I’m actually taking some needed vacation time until mid-May. However, once I’m back, I’ll be diving into a producing role for a project that was brought to my attention. Can’t say much about it just yet, as we’re still early into the pre-production phase, but I’m quite excited about it. It’s been a goal of mine to step behind the camera and learn that side of things in hopes of creating more opportunities for myself and others around me.
CB: I remember seeing you in a “Supernatural” episode. I’m a big fan. That was such a popular show. What was it like being a guest actor?
AN: “Supernatural” was actually my first professional gig. Some say it used to be a rite of passage as an actor in Vancouver. For me, it holds a lot of meaning because I had been auditioning for years before catching this break. It broke the curse so to speak! I was super nervous going in as I had never worked on a professional TV set, but everyone was so welcoming and I ultimately had a great time. I recurred in Season 11 – at that point, the show was running for over a decade. It was a well-oiled machine, so I learned a lot. It was great because I got to experience a little bit of everything: location shoot, sound stage, some fight sequences, and basic stunts. I’ll also never forget what the director, Robert Singer, told me while filming the first episode. We were doing a sequence where Dylan Archambault (Efram) and myself walk into this room to talk to Misha Collins’ character (Castiel). I was tasked to bring in this medical briefcase with torture tools inside and I decided to take it upon myself to open up the briefcase and start laying out the tools on this table in the corner of the room. The director calmly walked over to me and said: “I appreciate what you’re doing… but wouldn’t you rather be on camera? Always be aware of where it is. Don’t ever go hiding unless we ask.”

CB: Let’s get to know you better. You’ve had guest spots in so many cool sci-fi shows. Are you a nerd, by chance? If so, what’s a show that you’ve binged over and over?
AN: I guess it depends on your definition of a nerd! I personally believe everyone has some form of nerd gene within them, so I’d say yes. On my own, the two shows I’ve watched over and over again are “Fresh Prince of Bel-Air” and “The Office.” I also have a friend in Los Angeles with whom I will rewatch “Entourage” episodes and the “Fast and Furious” franchise… especially Fast Five.
CB: Is music a part of your life? Do you sing? Play an instrument?
AN: Definitely! Music is to life what a soundtrack is to a movie. A lot of tracks have a direct connection with a specific time, event, or person in my life. I also enjoy a wide range of genres, so I’ll jump around depending on my mood. I guess I can sing? But I wouldn’t subject people to it. Definitely a talent and skill I admire. Same with instruments. I sometimes pick up my guitar but it’s very much for my own ears.
CB: What does your dream vacation look like? I want to hike Machu Picchu!
AN: Oh that’s a tough one! There are multiple. I’m actually setting off for one of them in a few days: Vietnam! It’s been on my bucket list for a while. Machu Picchu is definitely up there on my list as well. I would also say Greece… An African safari… The Maldives…Seeing the Pyramids and Petra. Lastly, I would say Antarctica. My father and I tried going several years in a row but unfortunately, life kept getting in the way (plus that Covid thing?). I would say that destination is on top of my list for sentimental reasons.

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