You do not have to be a huge fan of Ewan McGregor to recognize his large footprint in film and pop culture. He has appeared in roughly 70 film projects, been a long time UNICEF Ambassador, and his portrayal of Obi-Wan Kenobi made him one of the most beloved “Star Wars” characters and fodder for iconic quotes and memes. With the upcoming Disney Plus Series “Kenobi” in predevelopment, McGregor’s name is on everyone’s lips. But the Ewan McGregor Fan Event Appearances and Projects Watch Facebook group celebrate all of his work by offering free movie screenings each week.

In addition, the group includes trivia questions about the movie throughout the week along with a Zoom discussion about it for those interested. They have announced their schedule for the next 4 weeks and the films being screened include the Cult Classic “Velvet Goldmine” and the much-anticipated sequel to “The Shining”, “Dr. Sleep.” All films are screened at 7:30 pm EST. Those that want to join should download KAST, a free TV, Movie, and Game sharing site. The link for the screening is posted roughly 15 minutes prior to the screening. To access the link, you can either join the Ewan McGregor Fan Event Appearances and Projects Watch or look for the invite link on the Nerd Alert News Facebook Page.

Velvet Goldmine Tuesday 6/23
Big Fish Thursday 6/25
Dr. Sleep Tuesday 6/30
Beginners Tuesday 7/7
Men Who Stare at Goats Tuesday 7/14


Written by Michelle Haab

Michelle is a grant writer and an enthusiastic member of multiple nerdy fandoms. She considers herself a movie trivia expert and comes from a long line of film fanatics. Michelle is the creator and co-administrator of the Ewan McGregor Fan Appearance and Project Watch Facebook group.