How many times have you played a game, and wanted to make your own rules? As kids, we did this all the time, and when families gather around the table, it is quite common to have house rules, the infamous free parking in Monopoly, for example. But what about a game where you literally make it up as you go along? Does that even exist, and does it work? The answer to both those is yes and yes. Looney Labs has just the game, Fluxx.

Fluxx is a matching card game with a big twist.
In Fluxx, players are drawing cards and attempting to match a common goal. A goal consists of two keepers (cards you collect). Other cards are creepers (cards that make you lose) rules (these change the game) and actions. The first player to match the current goal wins.
The game begins with each player drawing a starting hand of 3 cards. And two basic rules (Draw one, and Play one). On a players turn, they can play a keeper from their hand, play an action card, change the goal, or change the rules. Players must put down any creepers drawn immediately and draw a new card.
Playing a keeper allows you to play a card that may match the goal or even a goal in your hand. Changing the goal means playing a new goal from your hand which then replaces the current one.
Playing an action card, let’s you perform the action stated on the card. In Batman Fluxx, for example, there is an action card called Jail Break, that says all creepers (villains) are gathered and dealt out to the players.
To change the rules, you play a new rule card from your hand. This will either change the number of cards drawn or played or maybe both on a turn. For example, if a player plays a new rule card that says draw 3. This is now the new rule, replacing the current draw rule. Same with a new rule that changes the number of cards played in a turn.
Fluxx, is literally never the same game twice. Once the basic rules change, it’s anything goes. Fluxx, requires players to plan their turns very carefully because goals and rules can change on any and every turn.
Fluxx is fast paced and with the right group, is an extremely fun game. Never knowing what can happen keeps the game from being anything but fresh each time. In addition, there are abundant themes for Fluxx (Star Trek, Doctor Who, Batman, Cthulhu, Zombies, etc) Each theme has unique abilities and actions that capture it to enhance the experience. In Batman, for example, If the Batman keeper card is in play, then no one can play the Bruce Wayne keeper.
Very few games can say that you will never play the same game twice, and with Fluxx, that is entirely true.
Looney Labs has created a tutorial to show you how this crazy game works.
Written by Ed Carter