They have special words for us. Nerd. Geek. It comes from being outside the norm or at least whatever society deems normal at the time.  For everyone who has ever felt like an outsider, shunned for liking that thing (or things) that makes you happy – this article is for you.

Do what makes you happy and love it with all your heart. Don’t rationalize it. Don’t hesitate. Don’t stop. Just do.

Play. Play video games, board games, role-playing games, trading card games.

Dress up. Cosplay, steampunk, renaissance costumes, sew, use foam, worbla, those bits of fabric you have stashed away.

Crochet and knit to your heart’s desire. Bask in the greatness that is your collection of yarn.

Read. Sci-fi, non-fiction, fiction, books on programming, comics, self-help, fantasy, nerd humor, that one book on your favorite television show.

Build. Scale models, scale railroading, wood working, metal working, 3D printing, craft and craft some more.

Learn. Languages, Astronomy, programming, science, technology, math, engineering, all the sciences, cook, design, never stop learning.

Write. Fan-fiction, recipes, articles, be inspirational, be supportive, bring it out of yourself and inspire others.

Create. Draw, paint, Work with clay, pottery, doodle. Don’t spend a lot of money on the expensive art supplies, just grab a pencil and paper and start creating. Photograph, film, share. Don’t be afraid.

Help each other.

We will get through this.

Written by Chris Murdock