(Photo courtesy of Graham Wolfe)
Written by Colleen Bement, Editor
Happy Halloween! Grab the snacks and dive into a new horror movie destined to become a cult classic.
Inspired by a real haunted hayride Farmer, Bob Lange used to have on his pumpkin farm back in the 80s and 90s. Now Bob is the executive producer of “Hayride to Hell” and an actual farmer by trade. He joined forces by sheer coincidence because his farm is just two miles from my home. Lange wanted to make a classic horror movie, in the style of the 80s and 90s with larger-than-life characters and outrageous settings. “Hayride to Hell” is a full-length, surprisingly witty and entertaining motion picture film. Set on the Coxe Family Farm in rural Willis County, Farmer Sam (Bill Moseley) exacts his bloody revenge on unscrupulous local town-folk, including Sheriff Jubel (Kane Hodder), who menace him and attempt to steal the farm that has been in his family for 200 years. The full cast includes Bill Moseley, Kane Hodder, Graham Wolfe, Allyson Malandra, Denise Parella McDonald, Jared Michael Delaney, Shelby Hightower, Melanie Martyn, Brooke Stacy Mills, and introducing Cedric “Budge” Casimiro. It is directed and produced by Dan Lantz. Original story and screenplay written by Robert “Farmer Bob” Lange and Kristina Chadwick. The entire film was shot on the farm they call home, which has been in Bob’s family since 1896! “Hayride to Hell” is destined to become a cult-horror classic for generations to come.

According to Director, Dan Lantz he has always found horror movies to be the most fun when they are infused with comedy. After all, most premises for horror films are pretty ludicrous to begin with, so I consider the ones that embrace the lunacy are the most enjoyable. “Hayride to Hell” is intended to be fun romp on the dark side. It is a revenge story where victims come to their end in the form of twisted haunted hayride attractions. Halloween is one of the most fun holidays of the year and “Hayride to Hell” is a celebration of the fun side of horror. There are all kinds of villains to root against and some pretty sick kills that will hopefully make people cringe and laugh at the same time.
Along with Bill Mosely and Kane Hodder, the film cast includes Graham Wolfe, Allyson Malandra, Jared Michael Delaney, Shelby Hightower, Melanie Martyn, Brooke Stacy Mills, Denise Parella Mcdonald, Chris James Boylan, Aaron Dalla Villa, Casey Donelly, and Cedric Casamiro. Producers include Kristina Chadwick, Aaron Dalla Villa, Robert Lange, Dan Lantz, and Kyle Licht.

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