Ali Skovbye has been named one of WFF’s 7th annual Stars to Watch with the premiere of her new film “The Corruption of Divine Providence”. The talented young actress out of Vancouver had quite the jump start with a role opposite Kathy Bates and Michelle Pfeiffer, and guest roles on “Supernatural,” “Smallville,” “The Man in the High Castle,” and so many more. Now she stars in this highly anticipated new film directed by Jeremy Torrie. Acting has been her passion since she was just four years old, and now she seeks out characters that are complicated and face challenges. Get to know Ali.

Check out the trailer!

Colleen Bement: “The Corruption of Divine Providence” looks creepy and amazing! Tell us all about it.

Ali Skovbye: “The Corruption of Divine Providence” is a story of a sixteen-year-old Metis girl Jeanne Seraphin who develops stigmata. While various local and international evangelists try to claim her as their miracle, she gets kidnapped. She carries this burden with her and this story is about finding and trusting yourself. There is a lot going on in this film but when it comes down to it it’s about doing what you think is right even if that may not be the easiest and it also shows the incredible strength that a young woman can have. Playing Jeanne was a challenge but what I learned from putting myself in her shoes was that having someone to talk to in your life is so important and to never give up.

CB: What can you share about your new series “Firefly Lane?”

AS: My new series “Firefly Lane” is based on the best-selling novel by Kristin Hannah and follows two best friends Tully and Kate through three different decades. Kate being the shy introvert, and Tully the coolest girl in school, we see an unlikely bond form that defines their lives and weathers life’s storms from their teens through their forties. I play Tully in 1974 and before I spoil something the last thing I will say is that it premieres on February 3rd on Netflix!!!

CB: I am a big fan of “The Man in the High Castle.” It’s one of the most brilliant series that has hit television in a long time. Do you have any stories from the set?

AS: Funny enough both Chelah Horsdal who played Helen Smith in “The Man in the High Castle” and Quinn Lord who played Thomas Smith were in Firefly Lane as well! I played Quinn’s love interest on Man in the High Castle so getting to reconnect and work together again as young adults and create a new story together was really fun as this doesn’t happen very often.


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CB: You had a role in a “Supernatural” season 7 episode ‘ Plucky Pennywhistle’s Magical Menagerie.’ I admit that clowns scare me! Tell us about your experience on the set.

AS: I was only 9 when I did this episode of “Supernatural” so my memory on it is limited unfortunately but what I do remember is an overwhelming feeling of encouragement by everyone on that set and how nice and humble both Jared and Jensen were.

CB: What have you been doing to stay sane during this pandemic?

AS: I’ve had a very difficult time trying to keep busy and sane during this pandemic as I went from working full time and being a full-time student to graduating and having the industry shut down. I went from never having spare time to having all the spare time in the world but I think the most important thing for me was making a new routine. Accepting that this was reality and making a new routine that I liked and could follow so I didn’t spend every day in bed as I’m sure a lot of people can relate to. Working out more, making more time to see my family, long walks, reading, lots of Netflix, making sure to still keep in touch with my friends and one of the biggest things for me was writing and remembering that I wasn’t the only one feeling lost.

CB: Would you happen to have any hidden talents? The quirkier the better!

AS: I’m double-jointed and can twist my whole arm around!

CB: What music are you into lately?

AS: My music taste is constantly changing and there isn’t just one genre I like. I kinda like a little bit of everything but my favorite band right now is Mt. Joy:))

“The Corruption of Divine Providence” Film Synopsis:

Set in a French-speaking part of Manitoba that is rarely depicted on film, this is the story of a sixteen-year-old Métis girl Jeanne. She resides in a small northern town, and one day she mysteriously disappears. When she is found, she is near death and has developed what appears to be stigmata, the wounds that echo those carried by Jesus Christ in his dying moments.

A number of various religious factions start laying claim to her miracle as being proof of their own beliefs. Both local and international spiritual leaders start to buzz around the small town looking for confirmation of their tenets. One television evangelist from Texas arrives in town and offers Jeanne’s father a small fortune for exclusive access. He’s the type of evangelical who preaches with a poisonous snake in his hands, to prove that God is protecting him, the righteous one. As Jeanne recovers her strength, she zeroes in on the madness and religious fanaticism that have developed around her. She will need to decide for herself what the right path is that she must follow.

Written by Colleen Bement

Barefoot and nerdy writer/editor of Nerd Alert News. She lives and breathes all things geeky entertainment. A social media addict, she soaks up all life has to offer! Tea snob. Dodgers fan.
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Evan Conroy
Ron Peterson

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