“Potted Potter: The Unauthorized Harry Experience – A Parody by Dan and Jeff” has enjoyed several popular North American tours, and back by popular demand, the award-winning show is back in Denver at DU’s Newman Center for the Performing Arts Mar. 26-31, 2019. Grab those tickets before they vanish, and get to know the original ‘Potted Potter’ creators Daniel Clarkson and Jefferson Turner.
Colleen Bement: Exactly how did the idea for “Potted Potter” come to you? A spell? Have you checked both of your foreheads for a lightning bolt?
Jefferson Turner: We have wondered the same things many times! If we have been Confunded, then long may it continue! We are having a whale of a time with this show! The way I remember it (assuming magic wasn’t involved) is that this all started with a little piece for a London bookshop for the launch of the sixth book, waaaay back in 2005. It was a one-off 15-minute show, to entertain the midnight crowds. It has now grown, over the years, to a 770-minute show, that is touring the world. You know, now that you mention it, it sounds rather like magic HAS to have been involved somewhere along the line.
Daniel Clarkson: A PR company approached us about doing something for the midnight launch of the sixth book at a book store in London; which was when the idea was born that we condense all (then just 5) books into a show. So we created “Potted Potter” essentially so we could get to the front of the queue at midnight to get our hands on the new book!
While we don’t have ‘lighting scars’, those alive today who experienced those midnight launches, all carry with us the battle scars from trying to get to the books first! Kids will never know how easy they have it today!

CB: Which “Harry Potter” book was the mo
JT: They all presented their own challenges, but I think I would have to say number 5; ‘Harry Potter and The Order of the Phoenix.’ A large amount of the book is filled with Harry’s teenage angst, and the last thing the audience wants is me standing on the stage whining for 10 minutes! There are also a lot of characters in the ‘Order of the Phoenix’, so we wanted to make sure that we mentioned as many of them as we could! Though people still spot the few that we weren’t able to squeeze in!
DC: Condensing any of the books was tough, we wanted to include so much, I think we had so much material in our first draft it was closer to all seven books in seven days!
But the real challenge I think was book 4 (Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire) as this contained the Quidditch World Cup, as well as a fire breathing horn tailed Dragon and the duel between Harry and Voldemort in the Grave Yard.
These were moments we couldn’t ignore from our two-man show, and I believed we managed it in a way that just has to be seen to be believed!
True facts, “Game of Thrones” actually contacted us for our secrets on how we did the Dragon in the show. And by True fact, I mean that never happened!
CB: What is each of your favorite book to perform?
JT: I love Book 4; ‘Harry Potter and The Goblet of Fire!’ It has a huge showdown between Harry & Voldemort, it has a huge fire-breathing dragon (which HAS to be seen to be believed), and it has our fully-interactive game of Quidditch, which is one of the highlights of the show for me! We have Quaffles flying everywhere, Beaters, Bludgers, children flying everywhere, trying to catch the Golden Snitch! It is quite the experience!
DC: I love doing book five, It could be because I get to play most of the characters, as we try and represent the entire ‘Order of the Phoniex’
Or it could be because it’s my favorite book of the series. But I think it’s because I get to play Ginny Weasley and try and wrestle Jeff to the ground. It’s the little things in life…and Jeff is definitely one of the little ones!

CB: My daughter and I lived on “Harry Potter” together with the books and films. It’s a part of so many people’s lives. Just how big of a “Harry Potter” fans are you both?
JT: Well, I thought that I was a pretty big fan until we hit the road with the show! There are so many super-fans out there, that know SO much more than me, it is really quite humbling. If I am completely honest, Dan was the bigger fan, when we started the show, but I feel that I have caught up with him now. Though I am sure that he would claim that as I am just a lowly Ravenclaw, I really don’t know much at all.
DC: Well at six foot, four I’d say I’m one of the biggest Harry Potter fans you’d ever find!
CB: Be honest now. How many Potter collectibles
JT: I’ve never been asked this one before! I have a few Harrys – a couple of Pop ones, a bobblehead and other small assorted figures. I have a Golden snitch of my own, in a nice case (though, I didn’t catch it myself), I have Harry’s wand, my Birthdate’s wand and Dumbledore’s wand, I have Harry Potter Monopoly and the official Hogwarts card trading game. Pajamas, dressing gown, slippers, hoodie, scarf, numerous t-shirts, and socks. Are these still collectibles? So, does that make me a geek? or a nerd? dork…? try hard? I am comfortable with any of the above!
DC: Hahaha…far too much, my house much to the dismay of others is full of stuff! Everything from my house scarf and colors (Huffle Puff obviously) to the sign on my toilet that says ‘this way to the ministry of magic!’ The problem is when you do a show like this every Christmas or Birthday everybody buys you Harry Potter stuff! This year no word of a lie I got 8 Harry Potter egg cups from different people! But as problems go this one I can happily live with!
Grab those “Potted Potter” tickets now before it’s too late!