Scythe is an engine building worker placement game that took the gaming world by storm. With its beautiful aesthetic artwork and clever mechanics, it was destined to be one of the biggest games from Stonemaier Games they ever released. (For those who have never heard of Scythe, I recommend seeing my review of it here)

Furthermore, with the sandbox that the world of Scythe offers, expansions were considered obvious. First, there was Invaders from Afar, adding 6 player options, introducing two new factions. Then came The Wind Gambit, introducing gigantic flying machines, and then the Rise of Fenris.

As far as expansions go, they are usually supplemental, adding more of the same or some new depth, but no one in the gaming world expected what this final installment from Scythe offered. The Rise of Fenris is a fully playable 8 game campaign that completes the story of Scythe. Unlike a legacy game, it is fully replayable, and modular. Much like a legacy game, it comes with all of its modules hidden and revealed as the campaign proceeds. However, if someone, is not interested in the campaign, the modules included, can be immediately incorporated into the base game and with the other expansions. Personally, I think robbing oneself of the rich story that the campaign offers, would be a disservice. I personally, am playing it as a campaign.

Finally, in the spirit of not wanting to give spoilers and rob a potential player of that experience, I will NOT be revealing what waits inside this box. What I can do, is give an overview of what to expect and what to look forward to.

As stated earlier, this is an 8 game campaign, that will start with a standard Scythe game. The outcome of the first game will set the stage for how the games progress from there. To play the campaign, first choose what faction you would like to play, as this will be the faction you use throughout the 8 games. Player mats are still randomly determined, as per standard Scythe rules.

Some of the games will have different winning conditions than your standard game, In addition, there are rewards and Perks that are given throughout the campaign, that will offer one time bonuses or even permanent additions to your faction.

As stated, all the “good stuff” is hidden when you first open the box, and if you are going to play the story, then it is recommended to ONLY open a box or punch out counters when instructed in the scenario book.

So what is the story? The Rise of Fenris begins before the Great War and gives some background as to how the world became full of the “mechs” and the start of the mysterious “Factory” that lies abandoned, yet full of wonderful mysteries. We learn, that Nikolas Tesla, was the founder of the factory and the mechs are his brainchild. However, once he realizes the horror that the leaders of Europa have done to the world using his creations during “The Great War”, he shuts down the Factory, abandoning it and fleeing Europa in disgust. This is where the story of Scythe begins, and the story of its end will be revealed through the campaign.

As I stated, expansions are usually supplemental, and at times considered essential to some players, but rarely has an expansion been deemed mandatory to a game. So much so, that Tom Vasel, of the Dice Tower, has said that the Rise of Fenris is not only the best expansions for Scythe, but is considered, by him, to be in the top 10 of expansions for any game period. It is that good, that if you play Scythe, you need it.

It was based on that recommendation, that I purchased it, and I have to agree with his assessment one-hundred percent. There is a lot of wonderful stuff in this box and I am eager to use A LOT of it in my future Scythe games. The story it weaves is so good, I have enjoyed it immensely. So much so, that it would make a great novelization for fans of the steampunk genre.

Scythe is a wonderful and challenging experience alone, The Rise of Fenris enhances that ten-fold. If you have Scythe, please, do yourself a favor and add it. If not for the story, for what it provides for your future games, that is worth the purchase alone. However, please, do the campaign, the story and the world of Scythe will be so much more rewarding.

Written by Ed Carter

His name is Ed and he is your guy for all things tabletop. He looks forward to sharing with you the amazing world of board gaming. Drop him a note if you have any specific games that you want to know about. Until then. Happy gaming!
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