Nerd Alert News has embarked on a fun fan interactive series called “Confessions of SPN Con Goers,” where we are connecting with the “Supernatural” family and chatting about the experiences and memories made at cons. Those moments are cherished and oftentimes used when one of those con goers needs to be reminded of the love and good that is still in this world. If you haven’t already, be sure to catch up on Part 1 and Part 2 of the series before Part 3 makes its debut.
As a bonus to the fan portion, we have also had a few fun chats with the “Supernatural” cast about their time at the conventions as well. It turns out, they are missing their “SPN” family just as much as we are and they have been kind enough to share some of their memories with us and you. Last time, we spoke with Tahmoh Penikett. However, today, we are focusing on Ty Olsson!
Originally hailing from Nova Scotia, Olsson is known for his roles in the sci-fi favorites “Rise of the Planet of the Apes” (2017) and “The Chronicles of Riddick.” He has also appeared in several episodes of the series, “The Man in the High Castle” as well as the first season of Canadian espionage drama “Fortunate Son.” When it comes to the Supernatural family though, we all know and love him as the resurrected-from-Purgatory-vampire, Benny Lafitte (and once as a vampire named Eli)! He is also someone that fans get extremely excited about when his appearance at a convention is announced! We hope that you enjoy hearing about his memories as much as we did!
TiShea Wilson: COVID- 19 has turned the convention circuit upside down. While the internet and virtual Q&A’s have kept us all connected, there is still something about actually being at a venue that resonates with us all. What are some of the things you miss most about “Supernatural” conventions?
Ty Olsson: Yeah, these are some crazy times. For a period of time, I was missing just seeing anyone in real life! As I’m sure is true for most people.
Conventions have always been such a fantastic way to interact with the SPN family face-to-face, and I’ve definitely missed the travel and facetime with everyone. Just being able to chat with fans and see some of my cast mates that I haven’t seen in a while. They’re always a little like family reunions 🙂
I miss meeting new people who just got into the show as well as seeing those that attend year after year. Those familiar faces!
TW: A vast array of conventions have left their mark with different interactions and experiences. Is there a fan experience from a convention that you have fond memories of or has left a lasting impact on you?
TO: It’s hard to pick just one moment that has left a lasting impression. There are so many memorable and lasting experiences! They all make up this giant experience that has been unlike any I’ve had before.
I will never forget coming on stage for a panel in front of 1,500+ people, screaming like they were at a rock concert! The energy and love and appreciation! I mean, who hasn’t wanted to feel like a rock star for a day? 🙂
Even better than feeling like a rock star? Hearing from someone that some kind or encouraging word I may have said to them, or some struggle of my own I had shared, helped them get through some tough days.
TW: First conventions are their own special experience. Can you tell us a little bit about yours? Where was it? What memory sticks out most from the experience? Did the experience live up to your expectations? Etc…
TO: My first convention… Oh my! Well, it has been a learning curve; let’s just say that. There is a lot of energy that conventions create, and it’s hard not to get drawn into the swirling chaos of it sometimes. I think my first handful of conventions brought many lessons about being available, fun, and present—while not getting swarmed by that energy.
TW: Is there a message you would like to extend to the “Supernatural” Family until we can all be together again?
TO: We will get through this! I know how difficult these times are. How easy it might be to give into the fear and stress of it all. Be good to yourselves, practice self care, and stay positive. Wash those hands and wear that mask. We will all meet again. We will get through this! 🙂 Sending everyone a lot of love and strength! 🙂
Nerd Alert News would like to extend a special thank you to Ty Olsson! We greatly appreciate you taking the time to chat and share your experiences with us!
Be on the look-out for “Confessions of SPN Con Goers: Part 3” coming soon! As well as another interview with someone from the cast of “Supernatural!”
Written by: TiShea Wilson