This past Friday night (Jan 10th) saw the return of the hit show “Supernatural” to Australian TV screens. Finally. Although the 10.30 pm time slot left many viewers annoyed and unable to watch, “Ten Peach” does have a catch-up option that fans can access.

Let’s pretend we haven’t all seen it before, let’s pretend we patiently waited the extra three months, let’s pretend in that three months we all managed to avoid spoilers. Let’s pretend that spoilers aren’t something we have to navigate every time we log on to our social media accounts. Let’s pretend that 10.30 pm on a Friday night is a dandy time to watch our favorite show. 

Let’s sit and watch it…..

‘Back and to the Future’ and ‘Raising Hell’ are the first two episodes of season 15 and let me just say… gets better. 

There’s just something about ghosts walking around town during the day that isn’t scary. It just didn’t do it for me, much like season 14, I watched solely because it was “Supernatural” and that’s the show that I watch. 

‘Raising Hell’ saw the return of Kevin Tran – former prophet and current ghost. We all thought Chuck had sent Kevin to heaven, but it turns out ….well, “Writer’s lie” and all that so Kevin’s been in hell this whole time. 

The highlight of these two episodes for me was Alexander Calvert’s Belphegor. It was Alex’s first chance to play a different character in the “Supernatural” world and it was a treat. Belphegor is as different from Jack as any character to be. A demon that has been around for centuries compared to two-year-old Jack, it was fun seeing him try to “blend”

I can’t wait for the next two episodes to air, even though I know what tragedies they hold. 

But let’s pretend I don’t……

Written by Shani Irvine

She is a 30 something Australian Supernatural fan! She is one of the co-authors of Conventional Wisdom and spends way too much money on attending conventions! Her other interests include Doctor Who, Music and travel (She’s happiest when traveling for conventions!)