Now may be time to renew your Netflix account if you let it lapse because Netflix has raised the bar again in the release of this recent May of a movie called “The Old Guard” starring Charlize Theron, Chiwetel Ejiofor and featuring newcomer KiKi Layne. An action-packed thriller rivaling the excitement movies like John Wick or Atomic Blonde invoked as we experience immortality at its best. KiKi Layne plays the role of a Former US Marine serving in Afghanistan when she realizes she is not a normal human when she cheats death, sadly she is not the only one who notices her ability to heal the unhealable and becomes the target of a determined military. 

We join our lead character as she meets other souls damned to walk the earth without the threat of death or the release of life and start to see how this gift of immortality quickly can become a curse or endless suffering. Yet even though the immortal characters we meet in this story are plagued with their past and the chances of them becoming a prisoner or worse they still love humanity enough to fight for their future in a seemingly futile pursuit of vigilantism later found to be a gift of divinity. 

This action-packed thriller goes head to head with some of the times best action movies, opening up an entirely new category of storylines and setting the stage for this young and capable cast to continue this story for many more years. I implore you to share this movie with like-minded individuals and celebrate its uniqueness along with hoping for a future of sequels because I for one look forward to more. Thank you, Netflix. 


Written by Elijah Perrin

Elijah Perrin, Staff Writer. Elijah Perrin is a Sasquatch posing as a man living in Canada where long hair and beard are not considered insane half the year. Elijah joins us with a lifetime of educating people on the use of the tools available at their fingertips and solving the big questions in life like where is my inbox in Gmail, you know the real head-scratchers. I accept that PLBCAC is really a failure of marketing and education along with the lack of intuition in programing not to be criticized, but adapted too. Follow me if you want to learn.