There has been tremendous buzz in the Doctor Who world about the return of Russell T. Davies to the show. Davies was the showrunner from 2005 to 2009, when Christopher Eccleston and David Tennant were each The Doctor. But before we get so excited about the future, perhaps we should get excited about it now.

On October 31st, “Doctor Who Flux” premiers worldwide. One epic story, six episodes, as the BBC says. The trailers make it clear this six-episode story will hold nothing back in production, effects, or bringing in beloved villains and allies. Flux will also serve as the goodbye for the current Doctor, Jodie Whittaker, as well as showrunner Chris Chibnall, and companion Mandip Gill.

It promises to be a worthy sendoff. Afterward, we can get back to wondering who Davies will choose to helm the TARDIS next.In the US, “Doctor Who” can be seen on BBC America, Philo, AMC plus, and HBO Max. Not listed as preferred methods, but also available, are Sling, Fubo, and YouTube.

Written by Even Conroy

Evan Conroy Evan lives in a forest next to three mountains west of Denver, with four cats, fish, and even a couple humans. His neighbors include moose, bears, foxes, rabbits, raccoons, chickorees, and a plethora of birds. Evan enjoys cons and many fandoms; boardgames, Peanuts, the Marvel Cinematic Universe, Star Trek, Star Wars, Doctor Who, and more. Nerd life is con life; con life is nerd life. Live long and prosper, may the force be with you, and allons-y!

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