Does the quarantine and shelter in place rules got you frustrated? Done watching all your favorite shows and need something new? Well, I’ve got you covered! Perhaps a board game? And I’m not talking monopoly here, I mean some games that will challenge and stimulate the old brain! I happen to be a board game collector and have amassed quite a collection and I perhaps can toss a few ideas your way. By the way, all 5 of these games are currently in print and available online.

Pandemic. Photo credit to Ed Carter

First is one that is timely and dare say, educational. Pandemic! by Plaid Hat Games is what we call a gateway game for new players. In Pandemic, players work as a team of the CDC to cure 4 separate diseases that are spreading around the world. Each player offers a unique skill to the team, and all players win or lose together. I love Pandemic and have for years, I think it encourages teamwork, cooperation, and even gives a very good model of how a pathogen works.

Next up is a game with a traitor element that adds an additional layer of challenge. Also from Plaid Hat, Dead of Winter can bring the zombie apocalypse to your table. In DOW, players are survivors, living in a colony, where supplies and morale runs short. Players go and search for much-needed supplies for the colony, or maybe they just want all the food for themselves? This game allows you to weave a narrative from the scenarios presented, as each one has a secret objective, some help, and some hurt. and let’s not forget the hordes of zombies who want to tear into the colony for a wonderful banquet of you! Feel ready to try your hand at the end of the world? DOW may just be the ticket for you

Horrified. Photo credit to Ed Carter

Still in the horror genre, but from the campy monsters of the Saturday Night Double-Feature, Horrified puts you in the role of an investigator, also with a unique set of abilities, to ward off such horrors as Dracula, the Invisible Man, or Frankenstein and his bride.  This is a simple yet challenging co-operative game that is good for the whole family to enjoy! Players move through a town gathering weapons and items to help end the nightmares!

Superfight. Photo credit to Ed Carter

Going to a game that is similar to the popular Cards Against Humanity, but PG-rated is Superfight!.  In this one, each player draws cards to create their ultimate superhero and puts them against each other.  The one who can convince the table as to why they are the best will reign supreme.  Is a Ninja with a cat firing shotgun better than a 10-foot tall Robot with chicken arms? You and your friends get to decide.

Finally, I want to recommend a big-box game, meaning it has lots of elements and can provide hours of entertainment.  This was a bit of a challenge, as there are so many good games in this category; like Zombies? then Zombicide could be your choice. For a grandiose all-encompassing “Space Opera” the granddaddy of all board games, Twilight Imperium can make days go by, as you are immersed in this richly satisfying experience.  A fan of less luck and more strategy-based decisions, then Scythe may be the answer.  As these are all runners up, here is my recommendation for you. Descent: Journeys in the Dark. This is what can be best described as Dungeons and Dragons in one box.  The game comes complete with EVERYTHING you need for hours of adventures.  It streamlines characters, gives the same sense of gaining experience, fight monsters, and lots of treasure like D&D, but runs with a simple set of customized dice and is card-driven.  The Dungeon Master has a pre-designed adventure and uses cards to help him in his decisions. It is simpler than D&D but offers a lot of the same gameplay. 

So there you have it, and I haven’t even mentioned the deck-building card games like Clank! or Legendary, but I hope this is a well-rounded list of ideas to help pass the time in a fun and creative way.  If you have any questions or want any suggestions, just comment on the Nerd Alert News blog and I will be glad to help.

Written by Ed Carter

His name is Ed and he is your guy for all things tabletop. He looks forward to sharing with you the amazing world of board gaming. Drop him a note if you have any specific games that you want to know about. Until then. Happy gaming!