BBC America has announced a new season of “Doctor Who” will premier New Year’s Day. Is this part of a new tradition?

The classic series did not do Christmas specials. The third season had episodes seven and eight on Christmas and New Year’s and the Doctor broke the fourth wall to express “a happy Christmas to all of you at home”

When the new era of “Doctor Who” began in 2005, it brought a new tradition: “The Doctor Who Christmas Special.” There were specials every Christmas from 2005 to 2017. Then, in 2018, we were told there would be no Christmas Special, but there would be an episode on New Year’s Day. It appears we are repeating that this year, with the premiere of “Doctor Who’s a new season on New Year’s Day, or, you can wait until January 5th and see the episode in theaters with Fathom events. Either way, “Who” fans win.

Jodi Whittaker returns as The Doctor, and if the trailer is any indication, her three companions will all return as well.

Written by Evan Conroy

Evan Conroy Evan lives in a forest next to three mountains west of Denver, with four cats, fish, and even a couple humans. His neighbors include moose, bears, foxes, rabbits, raccoons, chickorees, and a plethora of birds. Evan enjoys cons and many fandoms; boardgames, Peanuts, the Marvel Cinematic Universe, Star Trek, Star Wars, Doctor Who, and more. Nerd life is con life; con life is nerd life. Live long and prosper, may the force be with you, and allons-y!