Life on Mars again? Maybe this time!

NASA scientists believe that the Jezero Crater on Mars was once a river and could have been home to an ancient river delta. Maybe it was teaming with life eons ago. Sci-fi fans with big imaginations can certainly picture it! National Geographic Channel can picture too as they are premiering “Built For Mars: The Perseverance Rover” on the very same day as the landing. NatGeo gained the access to go behind the scenes at NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory to follow the progress of building the rover, to spotlighting the technicians involved.

photo credit: NASA/JPL-CALTECH

Launched in July 2020 Perseverance will land on the red planet next month and begin its job to seek out signs of ancient life on what surely will be a new home for humans one day. It will collect samples of rock and soil to be brought back to Earth.

Jezero Crater on Mars. Credit to Nasa

The landing site is geologically diverse and NASA hopes it will be the ideal place too for signs of life that have been preserved in rock over time. The premiere of “Built For Mars” coincides with the historic landing of the Perseverance Rover which ideally sets the scene for the main event. NASA geeks set those reminders to Feb. 18, 2021, at 9 PM/8C on the National Geographic Channel.

See what else Nerd Alert News has to offer on the subject of Mars.


Terraforming Mars and War of the Worlds

NatGeo’s series “Mars” information and interviews: 

“Mars” second season.

Episode review

Interview with Clémentine Poidatz

Interview with Evan Hall

Interview with Sammi Rotibi


Written by Colleen Bement

Barefoot and nerdy writer/editor of Nerd Alert News. She lives and breathes all things geeky entertainment. A social media addict, she soaks up all life has to offer! Tea snob. Dodgers fan.
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