Scenes from BGG.CON The Board Game Geek Convention in Dallas 2019
Soak up the scenes from BGG.CON, the Board Game Geek Convention that took place in Dallas this weekend Nov. 21-24, 2019.
The Hot Games RoomThis year’s hot games Photo: Evan ConroyGrab a bite at the Meeple Cafe Photo: Evan ConroyThe madness of the Battling Tops tournament Photo: Evan ConroyRahdo ponders his next move. Julia Ziobro waits her turn. Photo: Evan ConroyGiant demo version of HurlyBurlyNeed players? A teacher? Photo: Evan ConroyYou can meet game designers and playtest their games Photo: Evan ConroyThe main room is jumping on Saturday night Photo: Evan ConroyThe Game Designers documentary. Left to right: Kelly North Adams, game designer, Hans Scharler, producer, Matt Leacock, game designer, Eric Rayl, director, Scott Alden (Aldie), founder of BGG and Executive Producer. Photo credit: Julia ZiobroRio Grande Games’ private room. Photo credit Evan ConroyTeam Geek for 2019: Photo credit: SpaldingTeam Geek at closing ceremonies Photo: Evan ConroyAldie at closing ceremonies Photo: Evan ConroyPhoto: Julia ZiobroThe heart of BGG–the library of more than 9,000 games. Photo: Evan Conroy
Photos and story by Evan Conroy
Evan Conroy Evan lives in a forest next to three mountains west of Denver, with four cats, fish, and even a couple humans. His neighbors include moose, bears, foxes, rabbits, raccoons, chickorees, and a plethora of birds. Evan enjoys cons and many fandoms; boardgames, Peanuts, the Marvel Cinematic Universe, Star Trek, Star Wars, Doctor Who, and more. Nerd life is con life; con life is nerd life. Live long and prosper, may the force be with you, and allons-y!